30 Min Beginner HIIT Workout Routine

Being overweight means you are willing to do anything that can help you eliminate the extra fat layer.

Most people unaware of the health hazard usually look for extreme measures to lose weight, which can negatively impact their bodies in the long run.

To lose weight without hurting yourself, you have to choose a healthy and scientific method. And the best way to do this is to lose fat and build muscle simultaneously.

Here I like to share with you the 30-min HIIT Workout Routines for the Same.

How To Distribute The 30 Minutes HIIT Time Limit?

Within your 30-minute HIIT-based workout, you need to start by distributing time.

Your overall workout time should have three phases.

First Phase of HIIT

The very first phase should be dedicated to the warm-up so your body is ready for the intense workout.

You should also be aware that skipping the warm-up phase can increase the risk of injury. If you are not prepared for the workout, you will not have a good enough chance of entering into recovery.

You will feel more pain, which can hurt the quality of your workout.

Second Phase

For the second phase, you will have an active workout phase where you will follow all the workouts you have aligned. Within this workout pattern, you can easily have intense sessions followed by small resting sessions.

You need to ensure that your workout stays within your set range of a 4 to 1 ratio for each session.

For this workout, you will have three rounds, so technically, you will distribute the workout into 10-minute rounds.

  • For each round, you will have 6 to 8 different exercises that you will be performing. You can use it as circuit training, so you can repeat the exercises again. If you want to increase the time limit, add another round with the same exercises.
  • For the between-break sessions, you will have a 0-second break between the exercises. This means that you cannot take any break unless you are done with the round. Beginners can take a rest.. However, you can take a break between the sessions or the rounds.
  • YDepending on your chosen intensity, you can take 90 or 120 seconds for the session break. However, you cannot exceed the 120-second limit.

For example, you can start with 15 reps of inchworm and then move to 40 mountain climbers. This will help you work on your abs and lower back so you can move down to the gluteal muscles with 15 jump squats.

Then, you can continue with 15 commandos, 20 reverse crunches, and 15 reps of triceps dips. To end it, you will need 20 skaters and 15 reps of push-ups.

HIIT Third Phase

Finally, for the last session, you will have a cool-down session. This session will allow you to complete your workout easily without increasing the risk of injury or straining your body.

This will also help you enter the recovery phase faster, so you do not have to feel the cramps that might impact your workout routine later.

How to Distribute the 30 Minutes Time Limit

Beginner 30-Min Full-Body HIIT Routine

ExerciseDuration (Work)RestFocus Area
Warm-Up (Dynamic Stretching)5 Minutes (Total)Full-Body Preparation
Jump Squats45 Sec15 SecLegs, Glutes, Core
Push-Ups45 Sec15 SecChest, Shoulders, Triceps
Burpees45 Sec15 SecFull Body, Cardio
Lunges with Knee Drive45 Sec15 SecLegs, Glutes, Core
Mountain Climbers45 Sec15 SecCore, Cardio
Plank to Push-Up45 Sec15 SecCore, Shoulders, Chest
High Knees45 Sec15 SecCardio, Legs, Core
Rest1 MinuteActive Recovery
Repeat Circuit2 More Times1 Min RestFull Body, Strength, and Cardio
Cooldown (Stretching)5 Min(Total)Flexibility and Recovery

Intermediate 30 Min Routine Plan

ExerciseDuration (Work)Focus Area
Warm-Up (Dynamic Stretching)5 Minutes (Total)Full Body Preparation
Push-Ups45-60 SecChest, Shoulders, Triceps
Plank to Shoulder Tap45-60 SecCore, Shoulders
Renegade Rows 45-60 SecBack, Core, Arms
Dumbbell Shoulder Press45-60 SecShoulders
Russian Twists45-60 SecCore, Obliques
Mountain Climbers45-60 SecCore, Cardio
Superman Hold45-60 SecLower Back, Glutes, Core
Plank with Alternating Leg Lifts45-60 SecCore, Glutes
Rest1 MinActive Recovery
Repeat Circuit2 More TimesUpper Body, Core, Strength
Cooldown (Stretching)5 Min (Total)Flexibility and Recovery

Beginner 30-Min Upper Body HIIT Routine

ExerciseDuration (Work)RestFocus Area
Warm-Up (Dynamic Stretching)5 Min (Total)Full Body Preparation
Push Up45 Sec15 SecChest, Shoulders, Triceps
Plank to Shoulder Tap45 Sec15 SecCore, Shoulders
Renegade Rows (Dumbbells)45 Sec15 SecBack, Core, Arms
Dumbbell Shoulder Press45 Sec15 SecShoulders
Russian Twists45 Sec15 SecCore, Obliques
Mountain Climbers45 Sec15 SecCore, Cardio
Superman Hold45 Sec15 SecLower Back, Glutes, Core
Rest1 MinActive Recovery
Repeat Circuit2 More Times1 Min RestUpper Body, Core, Strength
Cooldown (Stretching)5 Minu (Total)Flexibility and Recovery

30-Min Beginner Lower Body Fat-Blaster HIIT Routine

ExerciseDuration (Work)RestFocus Area
Warm-Up (Dynamic Stretching)5 Min (Total)Full Body Preparation
Bodyweight Squats40 Sec20 SecLegs, Glutes
Reverse Lunges (Alternating)40 Sec20 SecLegs, Glutes, Hamstrings
Glute Bridges40 Sec20 SecGlutes, Hamstrings
Lateral Lunges40 Sec20 SecInner Thighs, Glutes
Step-Ups (on a step or bench)40 Sec20 SecLegs, Glutes
Squat Pulses40 Sec20 SecQuads, Glutes
Wall Sit40 Sec20 SecQuads, Glutes, Core
Rest1 MinActive Recovery
Repeat Circuit2 More Times1 Min RestLower Body, Strength, and Fat Loss
Cooldown (Stretching)5 Min(Total)Flexibility and Recovery

30 Min Tabata HIIT Routine For Fat Loss

Tabata requires 20 seconds of maximum effort work followed by 10 seconds of rest, repeated for 8 rounds (totaling 4 minutes)

Typically, one exercise is performed for the entire 8 rounds, not alternating between two exercises.

Tabata is meant to be performed at a very high intensity, where you’re working at or near your maximum effort during the work periods.

After each 4-minute round, there should be a short rest period (30 seconds to 1 minute) before starting the next exercise.

RoundExerciseWork/Rest StructureFocus Area
Warm-UpDynamic Stretching and Light Cardio5 Minutes (Total)Full Body Preparation
Round 1Jump Squats20s work / 10s rest (x8)Legs, Glutes, Cardio
Rest1 MinuteActive Recovery
Round 2Push-Ups20s work / 10s rest (x8)Chest, Shoulders, Triceps
Rest1 MinuteActive Recovery
Round 3Mountain Climbers20s work / 10s rest (x8)Core, Cardio
Rest1 MinuteActive Recovery
Round 4Burpees20s work / 10s rest (x8)Full Body, Cardio
Rest1 MinuteActive Recovery
Round 5Russian Twists20s work / 10s rest (x8)Core, Obliques
CooldownStretching and Recovery5 Minutes (Total)Flexibility and Recovery
Choose HIIT Workout For Fat Lose
Related : Best Abs Exercises: Upper Abs, Lower Abs, Obliques

30-Min Simple HIIT Workout Routine

Warm-Up (5 min)

Warm-ups are essential for preparing your body and preventing injuries.

Jumping Jacks1 MinFull-body movement to increase heart rate
Dynamic Stretches1 MinFocus on mobility: arms, legs, torso
High Knees1 MinDrive knees up quickly to engage core
Arm Circles1 MinLoosen shoulders with big forward/backward circles
Quick Bodyweight Squats1 MinGet your legs warmed up and glutes activated

HIIT Circuit (20 min)

Get ready to challenge yourself with these exercises that target multiple muscle groups.

Exercise 1: Burpees45 sec work / 15 sec restFull-body cardio with push-up and jump
Exercise 2: Mountain Climbers45 sec work / 15 sec restAlternating knee drives in plank position
Exercise 3: Jump Squats45 sec work / 15 sec restPower through legs and jump explosively
Exercise 4: Push-Ups45 sec work / 15 sec restMaintain a straight body line, engage core
Exercise 5: Plank to Alternating Toe Touch45 sec work / 15 sec restTouch opposite toes from plank position
Repeat Circuit 4 TimesMinimal rest, aim for intensity and form

Cool-Down (5 min)

Cooling down helps restore your heart rate and can aid in recovery.

Deep Breathing1 MinCalm breathing to bring heart rate down
Forward Bend Stretch1 MinStretch hamstrings and relax back
Quad Stretch (Each Leg)1 Min per legStretch quads to release tension
Child’s Pose1 MinStretch your back, shoulders, and hips
Cobra Stretch1 MinStretch your core and back muscles


HIIT cardio workout is one of the best ideas for training without spending much on costly equipment.

To sum it all up, it all comes down to the simple steps that you will take, rather than trying to master every technique in one go.

Most people never get to practice their technique; instead, they usually try to burn more calories by increasing the frequency. Experts think this is one of the worst things you can do because it wastes your time and wears out your body.

Moreover, when you are not good with the technique, you will get injured or strain muscles that you should not focus on.


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