Lower Chest Workout Routines for Home

Lower Chest Bodyweight Workout That You Can Do At Home

Many of us struggle to build a well-defined upper chest, especially when we’re limited to working out at home without access to gym equipment. The upper chest is often neglected in bodyweight routines. Many people think bodyweight lower chest workouts aren’t as effective as their gym chest workout counterparts. However, when you try the lower chest bodyweight workout … Read more

10 Best Resistance Band Shoulder Exercises

Resistance Band Shoulder Exercises

Resistance bands are a great way to build and strengthen your shoulders without expensive equipment or a gym membership. They are portable and can be used anywhere—at home, in the gym, or while traveling. Furthermore, resistance bands are safe for people with joint pain or injuries because they don’t hurt their joints. When I added … Read more

Knuckle Push-Ups: How To Do, Muscles Worked

Knuckle Push Ups

Knuckle push-ups, also known as closed fist push-ups, are often part of strength and conditioning programs to build upper body strength and stability. Some people may call it a “military push-up” because military personnel sometimes use it as part of their physical fitness. Knuckle push-ups are similar to traditional push-ups but are performed with the hands in a … Read more

Bicep Curl vs Hammer Curl vs Reverse Curl: Which One Is Better

Standard Bicep Curl Vs Hammer Curl Vs Reverse Curl

Do you want bigger, stronger biceps? If so, you need to do the right exercises. There are many different biceps curl variations out there, but not all of them are created equal. The standard bicep curl, hammer curl, and reverse curl each work the biceps brachii, brachialis, and forearm muscles differently, resulting in varied outcomes. … Read more

10 Best Bodyweight Trap Exercises At Home (Without Equipment)

Bodyweight Trap Exercises At Home

The stronger trap stabilizes and supports the neck, shoulders, and upper back. Weak traps can contribute to poor posture and rounded shoulders. Strengthen these muscles, improve posture and reduce the risk of postural imbalances. However, for some people, going to the gym to work on their trap may not always be feasible. Fortunately, various effective bodyweight … Read more

Reverse Cable Curl: Muscles Worked and How To Do

Reverse Cable Curl

Reverse bicep curls can be your secret weapon in your quest to build bigger arms. The cable reverse curl is a variation of the standard cable biceps curl, in which you hold the Bar with your palms facing down (overhead grip). The reverse cable curl is great for building both the bicep and brachialis (upper arms) and the brachioradialis (lower arm) muscles. The cable … Read more

10 Best Back and Bicep Dumbbell Exercises To Build Mass

Best Back and Bicep Dumbbell Workout

If you are looking for the best dumbbell exercises to train your back and bicep at home or the gym, then you are in the right place. The dumbbell back and bicep workout routines are effective ways to build mass and strength in the latissimus dorsi, lower back, rhomboids, both heads of the biceps, and … Read more

Dumbbell Reverse Curl: Muscles Worked, How To Do, Tips

Dumbbell Reverse Curl

The dumbbell reverse curl is a variation of the standard dumbbell biceps curl in which you hold the dumbbells with your palms facing down (overhead grip). Reverse dumbbell curls are a classic biceps curl exercise used for decades by bodybuilders and strength athletes. They are a highly effective way to target the forearm and bicep muscles. It trains the … Read more