Hiking Calories Burned Calculator

Calculate calories burned during hiking activities based on your weight, terrain, and duration.

Enter your current body weight
Select the type of hiking activity
Weight of the backpack you’re carrying
Type of terrain you’re hiking on
How long you hiked (5 min to 12 hours)

How Many Calories Does Hiking Burn?

Hiking is one of the most effective full-body workouts that combines cardiovascular benefits with strength training. According to research, hiking can burn between 400-700 calories per hour, depending on various factors such as terrain, pack weight, and hiking intensity. Let me break down the science behind hiking’s impressive calorie-burning potential!

How Different Hiking Activities Affect Your Calorie Burn

Based on the Compendium of Physical Activities, here’s my breakdown of hiking intensity levels:

  • Light Trail Walking: 3.5 METs – Flat terrain, leisurely pace
  • General Hiking: 5.3 METs – Mixed terrain, steady pace
  • Moderate Hiking: 7.0 METs – Varied elevation, with day pack
  • Vigorous Hiking: 8.3 METs – Challenging terrain with heavy pack
  • Mountain Hiking: 10.0 METs – Steep terrain, technical trails
INSTRUCTOR’S TIP: As research confirms, hiking’s combination of varied terrain and natural resistance creates an exceptional environment for burning calories and improving overall fitness!

Benefits of Hiking

According to scientific studies, hiking offers comprehensive health benefits:

  • Effective Calorie Burn: Burns 400-700 calories per hour depending on intensity
  • Full Body Workout: Engages multiple muscle groups simultaneously
  • Cardiovascular Health: Improves heart function and endurance
  • Mental Wellbeing: Recent research shows reduced stress and improved cognitive function
  • Joint Health: Low-impact exercise suitable for all fitness levels
  • Nature Connection: Combines exercise with outdoor benefits
RESEARCH INSIGHT: Studies demonstrate that hiking in natural environments provides additional psychological benefits beyond traditional exercise, enhancing mood and reducing anxiety.

Hiking Calorie Burn Guide

Duration Light Trail
(3.5 MET)
General Hiking
(5.3 MET)
Moderate Hiking
(7.0 MET)
Vigorous Hiking
(8.3 MET)
30 minutes 105-123 calories 159-185 calories 210-245 calories 249-290 calories
60 minutes 210-245 calories 318-371 calories 420-490 calories 498-581 calories
120 minutes 420-490 calories 636-742 calories 840-980 calories 996-1162 calories
← Slide to explore different intensities →

Calories Burned by Specific Hiking Activities

Activity Type MET Value Calories/Hour (70kg person) Key Benefits
Nature Walking 3.5 210-245 cal/hr Basic endurance, stress reduction
Trail Hiking 5.3 318-371 cal/hr Improved balance, core strength
Backpack Hiking 7.0 420-490 cal/hr Full-body strength, endurance
Mountain Trails 8.3 498-581 cal/hr Advanced cardio, leg strength
Technical Hiking 10.0 600-700 cal/hr Peak fitness, mental focus
← Slide for more activities →

*Calculations based on a 70kg person. Individual results vary based on weight, fitness level, and terrain difficulty.

My Top Tips for Maximizing Your Hiking Workout

After years of guiding hikers, here are my proven strategies for optimal calorie burn:

  • 🎯Choose varied terrain to engage different muscle groups
  • Use trekking poles for upper body engagement
  • 🎒Gradually increase pack weight for added challenge
  • 🏃Alternate between different hiking speeds

Calculate Your Hiking Calorie Burn

The Science Behind Hiking Calories

Calories Burned = (MET × Weight(kg) × 3.5) ÷ 200 × Duration(min)

Here’s what each component means:

  • MET Value: Energy cost of hiking (3.5-10.0 depending on intensity)
  • Your Weight: Heavier individuals burn more calories during hiking
  • Duration: Total time spent hiking
  • 3.5: Standard metabolic factor in exercise science


How often should I go hiking?

For optimal fitness benefits, aim for 2-3 hiking sessions per week. Beginners should start with shorter, easier trails once a week and gradually increase duration and difficulty as fitness improves. Remember to allow adequate rest between challenging hikes.

Is hiking good for weight loss?

Yes, hiking is excellent for weight loss. It combines cardiovascular exercise with resistance training, burning significant calories while building muscle. The varied terrain creates natural interval training, boosting metabolism and continuing calorie burn post-hike.

How can I increase my calorie burn while hiking?

To maximize calorie burn, choose trails with elevation changes, carry a weighted backpack, use trekking poles, maintain a brisk pace, and include short bursts of faster hiking. Also, choose challenging terrain that requires more energy to navigate.



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