You are in the right place if you are looking for the best resistance band exercises to build massive and stronger traps. Get an incredibly muscular physique with well-developed trapezius muscles.
There are many good reasons to use resistance bands instead of traditional free weights, like reducing the stress on your joints and making your muscles work harder.
There are many ways to strengthen the trapezius muscles using a band, not just doing endless variations of shrugging.
To really build up the traps, you should try to hit all its aspects: the upper, lower, and middle traps.
This article will discuss how to train with resistance bands and give you the best band trap exercises.
Let’s start!
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5 Best Resistance Band Trap Exercises
Some of the best resistance band traps to add to your workout routine include:
1. Resistance Band Face Pull
The resistance band face pull is a highly effective exercise that primarily targets the rear deltoids, traps, and the muscles around the scapula.
Face pulls work wonders for correcting forward-rounded shoulders, a common issue caused by modern sedentary lifestyles. Strengthening the muscles responsible for retracting the scapula can lead to improved posture.
The tension created by the band greatly activates the rear delt and upper back, making it an excellent warm-up before an upper-body training session.
How To Do Resistance Band Face Pull
- Tie a moderate resistance band to a squat rack pole or other fixed pillar.
- Grab the band with both hands, palms facing each other.
- Use a square or split stance, whichever is more comfortable.
- Drive your arms back while keeping your elbows slightly above shoulder level.
- Hold the end position for a second, then return to the starting position in a controlled manner.
- Repeat for the remaining number of repetitions
- Stand straight with your feet in a comfortable, balanced stance.
- Be sure to exhale when pulling weight toward your face.
- Think about trying to pinch your shoulder blades as tight as possible when pulling weight toward your face.
- Your upper arms should be straight out to your sides with elbows bent.
2. Standing Reverse Fly with Resistance Bands
This movement can be done on shoulder day for, targeting the rear delts and lower trap. However, we also like to hit it on a back day as the rear delts often need to double the weekly work.
The band reverse fly resembles the motion of a reverse fly you’d perform on a machine. The difference is that resistance bands provide constant tension throughout the exercise.
The reverse fly with bands will work your rhomboids, rear delts, and traps.
How To Do Resistance Bands Standing Reverse Fly
- Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, keeping a slight knee bend.
- Place a band around a stationary post, such as a squat rack.
- Hold the exercise band in front of you with your hands slightly lower than your shoulders.
- Keep your elbows slightly soft to avoid hyperextending the joint.
- Squeeze the shoulder blades together and open the arms out to either side, pulling the band apart and squeezing your shoulder blades.
- Return to start and repeat, keeping tension on the band the entire time.
- Repeat 8-10 reps.
- Squeeze and hold once you reach the peak contraction.
- Keep your core engaged throughout each set.
- Try to keep your elbows up so you can target your upper back muscles correctly.
Related: 20 Best Trap Workout and Exercises for Mass and Strength
3. Resistance Band Shrug
Shrugs are the โhulkingโ exercise that can build you big traps. The band shrug is a variation of the dumbbell shrug.
It is one of the best resistance band trap exercises to build the upper trapezius muscle.
And doing them with resistance bands will offer several benefits compared to doing them with free weights, which is an exercise that you should really have in your workout plan.
How To Do Resistance Band Shrug
- Stand in the middle of the band and grasp both ends by your side.
- Keep your elbows straight and lift your shoulders upward.
- Exhale while performing this movement. Hold the contraction at the top for a second.
- Slowly lower to its starting position.
- Repeat for the desired number of reps.
- Prevent from rolling your shoulders, as this is an incorrect form and can result in injury.
- Avoid bending your elbows to complete the motion.
Know More: Shrug Exercise: Benefits, Variations, Muscles Used, Tips
4. Resistance Band Upright Row
The upright row is a weightlifting exercise that targets the muscles of the shoulder and upper back, including the deltoids, trapezius, as well as the rhomboids, and even the biceps โ making it a great addition to any full-body workout.
The resistance band upright row is a movement that targets many of the large muscles in the upper back and shoulders.
The band keeps tension on the muscles throughout the entire range of motion, ultimately increasing muscle activation and hypertrophy.
How To Do Resistance Band Upright Row
- Stand on a resistance band and hold the handles with palms facing inwards, resting on your thighs.
- Keep your back straight and lift the band up towards your chin, keeping your elbows higher than your forearms.
- Do not pull the band up any higher. Hold for a count of two.
- Return to the starting position and repeat. Repeat for a complete set.
- Bend slightly at the knees and stand with feet shoulder-width apart.
- Keep your body stationary throughout the exercise, using only your arms.
Know More: Upright Row: Muscle Worked, How To Do And Form
5. Seated Row With Resistance Bands
Seated Rowsย with Resistance Bandsย primarily target the traps, latissimus dorsi, rhomboids, rear delts, and biceps. It will also work your erector spinae, as you need yourย lower back to stabilizeย your movement.
Resistance bands are easy to carry and use so you can do seated rows almost anywhere.
How To Do
- Sit on the floor with your legs extended, loop the resistance band around the soles of your feet, and hold one end in each hand.
- Keep your posture erect and your lower back slightly arched.
- Slowly pull the handles to your lower abdomen, keeping your elbows close to your sides.
- As the handles touch your body, squeeze your shoulder blades together.
- Then, reverse direction, slowly returning to the start position.
- Retract your shoulder blades as you pull the band back.
- Maintain your legs extended with just a slight bend in the knee, and keep your shoulders back.
What is the Trapezius Muscle?
The trapezius, aka trap, is a large muscle in your back. It starts at the base of your neck and extends across your shoulders and down to the middle of your back. It looks like a trapezoid (a shape with four sides, two that are parallel).
Healthcare providers divide the trapezius into three areas. Each area helps you with a specific kind of movement.
The three parts of the trapezius help you move your head, stand up straight, bend or twist your torso, and raise your arms.
As mentioned above, the trapezius muscle is divided into 3 areas:
Training your trap at home with the help of a resistance band is possible.
These resistance band exercises help you build stronger upper back muscles.
Strong trapezius or โtrapโ muscles are important for pulling the upper spine and shoulders into alignment, improving posture, and reducing neck & shoulder pain.
- Ronai, Peter MS, CSCS, RCEP: Exercise Modifications and Strategies to Enhance Shoulder Function. Strength and Conditioning Journal:ย August 2005 โ Volume 27 โ Issue 4 โ p 36-45
- McAllister M, Schilling B, Hammond K, Weiss L, Farney T. Effect of grip width on electromyographic activity during the upright row. J Strength Cond PMID: 22362088 DOI: 10.1519/JSC.0b013e31824f23ad
- Cools AM, Witvrouw EE, Declercq GA, Danneels LA, Cambier DC.ย Scapular muscle recruitment patterns:ย Trapeziusย muscle latency with and without impingement symptoms. Am J Sports Med 31: 542โ549, 2003.
Manish is a NASM-certified fitness and nutrition coach with over 10 years of experience in weight lifting and fat loss fitness coaching. He specializes in gym-based training and has a lot of knowledge about exercise, lifting technique, biomechanics, and more.
Through โFit Life Regime,โ he generously shares the insights heโs gained over a decade in the field. His goal is to equip others with the knowledge to start their own fitness journey.