Skating Calories Burned Calculator

Calculate calories burned during ice skating based on your weight, skating style, and duration.

Enter your current body weight
Select your skating style and intensity
How long you skated (5 min to 3 hours)

How Many Calories Does Ice Skating & Roller Skating Burn? ⛸️

Whether you’re ice skating on a rink or roller skating through parks, these dynamic activities offer exceptional full-body workouts that can burn between 350-800 calories per hour. Let me break down the science behind both ice skating and roller skating’s impressive calorie-burning potential and show you how to maximize your skating workouts!

How Different Types of Skating Affect Your Calorie Burn

Based on the Compendium of Physical Activities, here’s my breakdown of skating intensity levels for both ice skating and roller skating:

  • Casual Ice/Roller Skating: 5.5 METs – Leisurely pace, stable surface
  • Moderate Ice Skating: 7.0 METs – Steady rhythm, figure-eight patterns
  • Vigorous Roller Skating: 9.0 METs – Fast pace, varied movements
  • Competitive Ice Skating: 12.0 METs – High-intensity training or racing
  • Artistic Ice Skating: 8.5 METs – Technical moves and jumps
INSTRUCTOR’S TIP: As research confirms, both ice skating and roller skating are particularly effective for building lower body strength while providing excellent cardiovascular benefits!

The Amazing Benefits of Ice Skating and Roller Skating

According to scientific studies, ice skating and roller skating offer unique advantages that make them excellent choices for fitness and health:

  • Enhanced Calorie Burn: The dynamic movements in both ice skating and roller skating increase energy expenditure significantly.
  • Lower Body Strength: Research shows ice skating and roller skating build exceptional leg strength and muscle endurance.
  • Balance and Coordination: Both forms of skating improve proprioception and core stability through constant balance challenges.
  • Joint Health: The gliding motion in ice skating provides a low-impact alternative to running while still offering intense cardio.
  • Mental Agility: Ice skating and roller skating require quick decision-making and enhance spatial awareness.
  • Social Fitness: Group skating activities combine exercise with social interaction.
COOL FACT: Both ice skating and roller skating engage over 80% of your body’s muscles, making them among the most complete forms of exercise available!

Ice Skating & Roller Skating Calorie Burn Guide

Duration Recreational
(5.5 MET)
Ice Skating
(7.0 MET)
Speed Skating
(9.0 MET)
Figure Skating
(12.0 MET)
15 minutes 82-96 calories 105-122 calories 135-157 calories 180-210 calories
30 minutes 165-192 calories 210-245 calories 270-315 calories 360-420 calories
60 minutes 330-385 calories 420-490 calories 540-630 calories 720-840 calories
← Slide to explore different intensities →

Calories Burned by Specific Ice & Roller Skating Activities

Activity Type MET Value Calories/Hour (70kg person) Key Benefits
Recreational Ice Skating 5.5 330-385 cal/hr Basic conditioning, balance
Speed Ice Skating 9.0 540-630 cal/hr Cardio, leg strength
Figure Ice Skating 8.5 510-595 cal/hr Agility, core strength
Competitive Roller Skating 12.0 720-840 cal/hr Maximum performance
Artistic Ice Skating 8.5 510-595 cal/hr Balance, coordination
← Slide for more activities →

*Calculations based on a 70kg person. Individual results vary based on weight, technique, and skating efficiency.

My Top Tips for Maximizing Your Skating Workout

After years of teaching skating, here are my proven strategies for optimal calorie burn:

  • 🔄Mix up your skating styles and speeds
  • 💪Include interval training with sprints
  • Practice technical moves during rest periods
  • 🎯Maintain proper form for efficiency

Calculate Your Skating Calorie Burn

The Science Behind Skating Calories

Calories Burned = (MET × Weight(kg) × 3.5) ÷ 200 × Duration(min)

Here’s what each component means:

  • MET Value: Energy cost of skating (5.5-12.0 depending on intensity)
  • Your Weight: Heavier individuals burn more calories during skating
  • Duration: Total time spent skating
  • 3.5: Standard metabolic factor in exercise science

FAQs About Ice Skating & Roller Skating

How long should I ice skate or roller skate for a good workout?

For optimal fitness benefits, aim for 30-45 minutes of ice skating or roller skating 3-4 times per week. Beginners should start with 15-20 minutes and gradually increase duration. Focus on maintaining good form and take breaks as needed to prevent fatigue.

Which burns more calories: ice skating or roller skating?

Both ice skating and roller skating offer excellent calorie-burning potential. The calories burned depend more on intensity and technique than the type of skating. Competitive ice skating and intense roller skating can both burn 600-800 calories per hour. The key is to maintain consistent movement and challenge yourself with varied speeds and movements.

How can I increase my calorie burn while skating?

To maximize calorie burn in both ice skating and roller skating, incorporate interval training with speed variations, practice technical moves during rest periods, and maintain an engaged core throughout your session. For ice skating, add jumps and spins when proficient. For roller skating, include uphill sections when possible. Remember to stay hydrated and listen to your body.



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  • Zhao, Wei & Wang, Changquan & Hou, Lijuan. (2020). Roller Skating Promotes the Physical Health of Children and Adolescents: A Systematic Review and Meta analysis. 10.21203/

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