At-Home Chest Workout: Without and With Dumbbell

Chest Workout at Home No Bench, No Problem

Forget expensive gym memberships and bulky equipment – you can achieve a strong, sculpted chest from your home. No waiting for machines, no awkward gym commutes, just you and a few simple yet effective chest exercises. A well-defined chest isn’t just about aesthetics; it symbolizes strength and power. Let’s know how to build a bigger … Read more

Hindu Pushups: How To, Benefits And Muscles Worked

Hindu Pushups

The Hindu push up is a traditional Indian-style exercise practised by wrestlers and Indian martial artist. Traditional Indian wrestlers are performing Hindu pushups for centuries to strengthen their upper body. Each repetition includes going from a downward dog position to a cobra pose, swooping by holding the head and body close to the ground. Bruce Lee also … Read more

Svend Press: Benefits, Muscle Worked and Variations

Svend Press Benefits, Muscle Worked and Varations

Are you tired of doing the same old exercises like bench press and push-ups to get a toned chest? The Svend Press is an underrated but incredibly effective chest exercise that is gaining traction in gyms and home workouts. This unique chest press variant offers a new avenue to target your chest, deltoids, and even … Read more