12 Best Smith Machine Leg Exercises (With Workout Routines)

Smith machines exercises are very effective to train the quadshamstrings, glutes, and calves because they allow you to change body position without worrying about stabilization.

Smith machine also has a catch system, which replaces a spotter. Basically, you can repack the weight at any moment if you need help.

This is why even pro bodybuilders use the Smith machine for their leg workout

However, the Smith machine workout is an intense subject of controversy. Due to the fixed bar, the biomechanics of the Smith leg workout differ significantly from those of the free-weight leg workout.

Here, we will provide you with some of the best exercises (based on science and experience) and help you understand how to perform them effectively and safely.

12 Best Smith Leg Workouts

Below are 12 leg exercises that can be done on a Smith machine to build leg strength, increase muscle hypertrophy, and enhance fitness.

1. Smith Machine Squat

The Smith machine squat is a variation of the squat that works the leg muscles. This variation particularly stresses the quadriceps.

The Smith Machine allows you to maintain a fixed trajectory of the bar, which helps stabilize your core and maintain the correct posture while squatting.

It allows you to safely squat a heavyweight without a spotter. Just make sure that you use the safety pins.

An advantage of the smith machine squat is being able to place your foot stance further forward than usual and target more of the glutes and hamstrings, rather than the exercises being quadriceps-dominant.

Smith Machine Squat

Muscles Worked

  • Primary: Quadriceps, gluteals.
  • Secondary: Hamstrings, adductors, spinal erectors, Abs

How To Do

  1. Stand on a Smith machine so that the barbell is behind your shoulders and slightly below your neck.
  2. Position yourself under the bar by resting it on your shoulders, and grab it on both sides.
  3. Unlock the bar by rotating it and stand upright to lift it from the support.
  4. Step forward and place your feet shoulder-width apart, with your feet pointing slightly to the sides.
  5. Inhale as you slowly lower the barbell by getting into a squat position.
  6. When your thighs parallel the floor, exhale and push off with your legs to reverse the movement and return to the starting position.
  7. Start light and add weight gradually, allowing your legs and lower back to adapt. Concentrate on form.

2. Smith Front Squat

The Smith front squat is another great exercise for your leg workout. It works the same target and synergistic muscles.

However, the Smith front squat recruits more stabilizer muscles, including various back muscles, shoulders, and chest.

It is more advanced than the barbell squat. Front Squats with a barbell help build entire thighs and focus especially on the outer thigh region.

Smith Front Squat

Muscles Worked

  • Primary: Quadriceps, gluteals.
  • Secondary: Hamstrings, adductors, lower back, abs.

How To Do

  1. Place the bar just underneath shoulder height.
  2. Hold your arms straight out, step on a Smith machine, and get the bar on your shoulders in front of you.
  3. Take a breath and unrack the bar by rotating your wrists back to move the safeties.
  4. Maintain the natural arch in your lower back and keep your head directed forward.
  5. Perform a squat, bending your knees and pushing your hips back to lower yourself until your thighs parallel the floor.
  6. From this position, push yourself back to the starting point.

3. Smith Machine Stiff-Legged Deadlift

If you’re looking for a straightforward leg workout that you can do with a smith machine to build mass and strength, then stiff leg smith deadlift, is a great staple exercise to get you started.

It is a variation of the deadlift and an exercise used primarily to target the muscles of the hamstrings and gluteals.

The stiff-leg deadlift for hamstrings requires a lighter weight than that used during traditional powerlifting for strengthening the lower back.

Smith Machine Stiff-Legged Deadlift

Muscles Worked

How To Do

  1. Position the Smith bar to thigh level and stand facing the barbell with your feet around shoulder width apart.
  2. Grab it with an overhand, shoulder-width grip. Keep your knees stiff and your back and arms straight.
  3. Lift the barbell into a standing position.
  4. Flex your knees a little and push your hips backward, and slowly lower the barbell down the front of your legs.
  5. Lower the bar down as far as your hamstrings will let you comfortably. Now engage the hamstrings and begin to raise the bar straight back up.
  6. Repeat for the desired number of reps.

4. Smith Split Squats

You can perform split squats with dumbbells, a barbell, or a Smith machine. The Smith machine variation allows you to focus more on leg work without having to worry about balance issues.

It is a brilliant exercise that helps you strengthen your legs without hurting your knees.

The primary muscle group targeted during the Smith machine lunge is the quads. However, depending on the width of the split stance you take during the Smith machine lunge, you can focus more on the hamstrings and glutes.

The split squat is a vertical movement, not a forward-and-backward movement like a lunge. On the machine, the rails don’t allow you to move forward or backward, so you automatically move in a vertical plane. This is one reason why this exercise is easier on the Smith machine than with a barbell.

Smith Split Squats

Muscles Worked

  • Primary: Quadriceps.
  • Secondary: Gluteals, hamstrings, adductors.

How To Do

  1. Stand in the Smith Machine and position the bar so that it rests comfortably on your upper back/ traps .
  2. Rotate the bar with your wrists to unhook it from the rack.
  3. Position your feet so that your legs are in a split position (the ideal length of the position is where both knees form a 90-degree angle at the bottom of the movement.
  4. Your front foot should be firmly planted flat on the ground.
  5. Keep your chest up, back straight, and posture upright ( shoulders aligned with hips).
  6. Lower your body by lowering your back knee until both knees form a 90-degree angle.
  7. Return to the top position, keeping a slight bend in the front knee at the top of the movement.
  8. Return the hooks to the rack to complete your set after repeating the up and down movement.

5. Smith Hip Thrust

The Smith Machine hip thrust is considered by many to be the king of all glute-strengthening exercises. This exercise is one of the most effective and allows you to get very fast results in building your glutes.

The Smith machine allows you to load up on big weights and focus all of that loading into the glutes so that they get the best workout.

This also allows for excellent motion range and the kind of continuous tension that really gives the muscles a complete workout.

Smith Hip Thrust

Muscles Worked

  • Primary: Glute
  • Secondary: Quadriceps, Hamstrings

How To Do

  1. Place a weight bench in front of a Smith Machine.
  2. Attach thick protective foam to the center of the bar. If you don’t have one, you can also use a rolled-up towel.
  3. Place your upper back on the bench, then position your feet in front of you, about shoulder-width apart.
  4. Slide your legs under the smith machine bar and sit on the floor with your back against the side of a bench. The barbell should be over your hips.
  5. Then, lower the bar by stretching your glutes, then reverse the movement by contracting your glutes to bring your hips as high as possible.
  6. Squeeze your glutes hard at the top position, careful not to hyperextend your spine as you lock out the movement.
  7. Lower the bar back down while maintaining tension in your glutes and repeat the movement until you have completed 3 to 5 sets of 8 to 20 repetitions.

6. Smith Leg Press

If you don’t have access to a leg press machine, the Smith machine leg press is an alternative. It utilizes a more vertical pressing motion than the traditional 45-degree leg press.

But using a Smith machine to leg press is a bit “dangerous” than with a leg press machine, but if you set the safety bars up, you’ll be fine. 

Smith Leg Press

Muscles Worked

  • Primary: Quadriceps.
  • Secondary: Gluteals, hamstrings, adductors.

How To Do

  1. Lie on your back and place your midfoot on the barbell, feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Keep your arms flat on the floor. As you unrack the bar by extending your knees and hips, actively brace your core and push your back into the ground.
  3. Inhale, and lower the bar by bending your knees and hips until your thighs touch your rib cage.
  4. Forcefully push the bar back up and exhale. There’s no need to fully lock out your knees.
  5. Re-racking for this exercise can be tricky due to the way the Smith machine is designed; you will most likely want to enlist the help of a spotter with the exercise to ensure that you don’t risk injuring yourself.

7. Smith Step Up

The Smith step-up is a great exercise for building lower-body strength and power. It targets the quadriceps and also involves calves, glutes, and hip flexors.

However, the setup for Smith machine step-ups can be quite tricky. You’ve got to get the bench position just right and then line your shoulders up perfectly with the barbell—It’s just cumbersome.

Smith Step Up

Muscles Worked

  • Primary: Quads, Glutes
  • Secondary: Hamstrings, calves, Lower back, Abs

How To Do

  1. Place a bench in the center of a smith machine and then set the bar to just below shoulder height.
  2. Stand with your feet in a comfortable hip-width stance. Keep your body upright and your feet and knees pointing in the same direction.
  3. Step forward with one leg onto the bench and drive through that thigh to bring your body upward.
  4. Bring the trailing leg to the top of the bench and stand on it. Then, step back with the opposite leg to the floor and lower yourself.
  5. Alternate legs with each rep. Repeat for the desired number of repetitions.

8. Smith Donkey Kickback

Smith kickback is also known as Smith machine kneeling rear kick, it targets your gluteus maximus and improves both stability and toning to give you the shaped, toned look you desire. 

It is an excellent isolation movement for targeting the glute and hamstring muscles. If you’re a beginner, practice the movement with the bar or very lightweight before adding more weight.

Smith Donkey Kickback

Muscles Worked

  • Primary: Glute
  • Secondary: Hamstrings, Quads

How To Do

  1. Place a bench under the Smith machine bar.
  2. Set the safety pins of the Smith machine at a safe height to prevent the bar from crashing down onto your legs.
  3. Unlatch the bar from the rail by rotating it and bring it down onto the safety pins.
  4. Get on your hands and knees on the bench and place the arch of one foot under the center of the bar.
  5. Exhale as you push the bar upward by fully extending your hip and knee.
  6. Pause for a second, and then lower the bar down under control, resisting every bit of tension with your glutes.
  7. Repeat for the prescribed number of repetitions. Repeat the repetitions with your opposite leg.

9. Smith Bulgarian Split Squat

The smith Bulgarian split squat also known as the single-leg smith split squat.

It is an effective auxiliary exercise for improving your squat and lunge. It is also great for enhancing your balance and developing unilateral functional strength.

To promote equal contralateral strength (equal strength in both sides), start with your weak leg, and do not do more repetitions with your strong leg.

Smith Bulgarian Split Squat

Muscles Worked

  • Primary: Quadriceps.
  • Secondary: Gluteals, hamstrings, adductors.

How To Do

  1. Set the height of the Smith machine bar to approximately chin height. 
  2. Position yourself underneath the bar so that it rests on your shoulders.
  3. Put one of your feet on the bench behind you, then slightly lift and rotate the bar to unlock it.
  4. Lower your hips until your front thigh is parallel to the floor and without moving your knees beyond your toes.
  5. Hold this position for one second and get back to the starting position.
  6. Repeat for the prescribed number of repetitions. Repeat the exercise with your opposite leg.

10. Smith Machine Deadlift

The deadlift is an extremely popular exercise and a true test of overall body strength. It is known as one of the “big three” exercises for powerlifters, namely the squat, bench press, and deadlift.

Bodybuilders use the deadlift to stimulate muscle growth in their entire posterior chain (the muscles in the back of the body).

Although the deadlift primarily works the hamstrings, it is a complete compound exercise that also works muscles in the back, glutes, quads, arms, and abs.

Smith Machine Deadlift

How to Do

  1. Approach the bar and stand close enough so that the bar is just above your feet, with your feet in the center of the bar.
  2. Keep your feet about shoulder-width apart.
  3. Lean forward and grasp the bar with an overhand grip (hands overhand).
  4. Keep your chest up, your spine neutral, and your shoulders retracted back. And most importantly, keep your hips over your knees. This is your starting position.
  5. Take a deep breath, hold it, and lift the bar off the floor, keeping your lower back straight. As you straighten your knees and hips, make sure the bar follows a straight line.
  6. Once you have locked your hips, reverse the movement by moving your hips back and leaning forward. Also bend your legs during this lowering phase so as not to put the bar down with your legs straight.
  7. Return to the starting position and repeat the movement for the desired number of repetitions.

11. Smith Machine Calf Raise

The smith standing calf raise is a machine-based exercise targeting the muscles of the calves, particularly the gastrocnemius or upper calf muscle.

It is usually performed for moderate to high reps, such as 12-20 reps per set or more, as part of the lower body portion of a workout. You must add this calf exercise to your Smith machine leg workout arsenal.

Smith Machine Calf Raise

Muscles Worked

  • Primary: Gastrocnemius.
  • Secondary: Soleus.

How To Do

  1. Place a block or weight plate below the bar on the Smith machine.
  2. Set the bar on the smith machine to around shoulder height and rack up the weight you want to use.
  3. Step up on the block and position the balls of your feet on the edge.
  4. Grasp the Smith bar with a wide grip and position it across the top of your back muscles. Rotate the bar to unrack it.
  5. Push off the balls of your feet to raise your heels as high as possible. Make sure to flex your calf at the top of the contraction.
  6. Hold the contracted position for a second. And then slowly lower your heels back to the starting position.

12. Seated Machine Calf Raise

Another popular calf exercise is the seated Smith machine calf raise. It emphasizes the soleus muscle of the calf. In the seated calf raise, your soleus is the target muscle, and your gastrocnemius is the synergy muscle.

Since the soleus comprises slow-twitch muscle fibers, performing the seated calf raise builds the endurance required for running, cycling, and walking.

Seated Machine Calf Raise

How To Do

  1. Place a flat bench near the Smith machine and put a step or calf block under the bar
  2. Sit on the bench and place the balls of your feet on the floor or step or calf block.
  3. Place toes straightforward, knees bent at 90 degrees, feet shoulder-width apart.
  4. Keep hands on the bar for support, but use a light grip.
  5. Raise your heels up as high as possible and squeeze your calves at the top.
  6. Slowly lower your heels back down to the starting position.

Beginner Smith Machine Leg Workout Routine

Smith Machine Squat48-1090 sec
Smith Machine Lunges310-1260 sec
Smith Machine Deadlift48-1090 sec
Smith Machine Calf Raise412-1560 sec
Smith Machine Glute Bridge312-1560 sec

Smith Machine Quad Workout Routine

Smith Machine Squat310-1290 sec
Smith Machine Front Squat38-1090 sec
Smith Machine Leg Press312-1560 sec
Smith Machine Split Squat310-1260 sec

Beginner Smith Machine Hamstring Workout Routine

Smith Machine Deadlift310-1290 sec
Smith Machine Good Morning38-1090 sec
Smith Machine Stiff Deadlift310-1260 sec
Smith Machine Hip Thrust312-1560 sec


Some exercisers go their entire lives without training on a Smith machine. They’re convinced that it will lead to injury despite never having used one.

The reality is that when used correctly, this much-maligned piece of gym equipment can be very useful, especially if your goal is hypertrophy.

To build muscle, you can perform numerous leg exercises with the Smith machine.

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