Resistance Band Pullover: Muscles Worked, How To Do and Form

Searching for a powerful back and chest exercise you can do anytime, anywhere? Look no further than the resistance band pullover. This versatile exercise targets the muscles of the back, chest, triceps, and core.

The resistance band pullover is perfect for at-home workouts or when you’re short on time. You only need a resistance band to get a full upper body workout with this efficient exercise.

In this article, we will learn about the resistance band pullover and how to do it correctly and safely to get the best results.

What Is a Resistance Band Pullover?

A “RESISTANCE BAND PULLOVER” is a good exercise that you can do at home to work on your chest and back. It is a variation of the traditional pullover exercises.

The lying band pullover is a great alternative to the barbell pullover or dumbbell pullover.

It is the best band exercise toย build a strongย rib cageย and build serratus anterior muscleย to build a complete chest and back.

How Resistance Band Pullover Work

When it comes to training with resistance bands, there’s one question that always seems to come up: “How do resistance bands pullover actually work to build chest and back muscle?”

Resistance bands provide unique tension. These are made up of materials with high elasticity. When you stretch it, the molecules are temporarily pulled apart and tend to pull back together.

The more you stretch it, the more force it needs to return to its original shape, just like a normal rubber band. That way, it strengthens both the back and chest muscles.

Muscles Worked Band Pullover Work

The resistance band pullover is a compound exercise that works multiple muscle groups, such as the back, chest, shoulders and tricep.

The primary muscles targeted during this exercise are the chest, latissimus dorsiย (Back), and the triceps. Additionally, the exercise also engages the deltoids (shoulders) and the core for stability.

The resistance band pullover primarily works:

  • Latissimus dorsi (lats) – Pulling motion contracts the lats to bring the arms back.
  • Pectoralis major (chest) – Pushing motion contracts the pecs to extend the arms forward.
  • Triceps – Extend the arms overhead and control the pullover movement.
  • Shoulders – Stabilize the upper body and keep arms overhead.
  • Core – Contract isometrically to stabilize the spine during exercise.
  • Serratus anterior – Hold shoulder blades down and back during the move.

How To Do Resistance Band Pullover Work

  1. Choose a band that makes your muscles work harder, but not too much that it makes it hard to do the exercise correctly.
  2. Anchor the resistance band securely at a low point.
  3. Lie down on a flat bench or the floor. Your back should be straight and your feet should be planted firmly on the ground if you are on a bench
  4. Grip the resistance band with both hands, holding it overhead.
  5. The band should be taut, but not too tight. Your hands should be shoulder-width apart.
  6. Slowly lower your arms back and down. Stretch the band further as you go.
  7. Bring your arms down in an arc until they are level with your torso or as far as your shoulder flexibility allows.
  8. Bring your arms back up in an arc over your head to the starting position.
Band Pullovers

Tips and Form

  1. Make sure the movement is smooth and controlled. You should also focus on stretching and contracting the muscles.
  2. Ensure that the movement is controlled and your core is engaged to avoid arching your back excessively.
  3. Adjust the tension level by using different bands with different elasticity or tension level.
  4. Inhale as you lower the band in an arc behind your head. Exhale as you return to the starting position.
  5. Make sure the band doesn’t snap back. Control the resistance both on the way down and on the way up.
  6. Avoid letting your lower back arch away from the bench or floor.
  7. Make sure the anchor point is secure and the band is properly attached.
  8. Do 3-4 sets and 10-12 reps.

Best Variations Band Pullover

We can also perform this exercise in some variations like โ€œKneeling resistance band pullover and โ€œSingle arm resistance band pullover or seated resistance band pullover.

Now letโ€™s talk about these variations and how to perform them properly.

Kneeling Resistance Band Pullover

  1. Kneel on the floor.
  2. Anchor the resistance band in front of you.
  3. Hold the band with both hands and perform the exercise.
  4. Repeat for the desired number of repetitions.

Single Arm resistance Band pullover

  1. Lie on your back.
  2. Anchor the resistance band above you.
  3. Hold the band with one hand
  4. Slowly lower your arm back behind your head.
  5. Exhale as you return your arms back to the starting position over your head.
  6. Complete 10-12 reps.

Seated Resistance Band Pullover

  1. Sit on a bench or a stable surface.
  2. Extend your legs in front of you.
  3. Loop the resistance band around your feet and hold one end in each hand
  4. Perform the pullover motion in upward position
  5. Complete desired reps.


The resistance band pullover is a versatile and effective exercise that targets various muscle groups, including chest, back, and triceps.

Those new to the pullover should start slowly with a lighter resistance band and focus on form.

Let us know in the comments if you have any other resistance band exercise recommendations to build upper body strength.

Know More Resistance Band Exercises

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