18 Abs Exercises You Can Do at Home Without Equipment

Abs Exercises For Home Without Equipment

Home is a great place to carve up your core—after all, a six-pack is usually made in the kitchen. A six-pack is a sign of overall well-being and completes physical fitness, a healthy lifestyle, and a nutrient-rich diet that begins at home. Whatever your fitness level, it’s always better to do an abs workout that … Read more

Rope Upright Row: How To Do, Muscles Worked and Form

Rope Upright Row

The cable rope upright row is a variation of the upright row that primarily targets the muscles of the shoulders, including the deltoids and the trapezius, as well as the upper back. Regularly performing this exercise will likely accelerate muscle growth and strength in your back, biceps, and shoulders. One of the benefits of the … Read more

Landmine Row: How To Do, Muscles Worked and Variations

Landmine Row

Cable rows are a staple for any back workout, but sometimes, you just hit a plateau. Enter the landmine row: add freshness and variety to your back workouts and give yourself a new challenge. Now, I’m not exaggerating. Landmine rows have become my favorite back exercise. Why? Because they offer a unique twist (literally) on … Read more

Best Back and Bicep Workout Routines For Mass

Best Back and Bicep Workout for Muscle Growth

Training your back and biceps together in the same workout is something very common in bodybuilding training routines. It doesn’t matter whether you are a beginner or an advanced gym lifter. You need a good workout routine to optimize your muscle gains. I’m super excited to share with you my all-time favorite (based on science … Read more

Calf Raises: Muscles Worked, How To Do and Variations

Calf Raises

Calf raises are a lower body exercise that targets the calf muscles, specifically the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles. Calf raises have straightforward mechanics. You raise your heels off the floor or a slightly elevated surface, standing on the balls of your feet. Then, lower your heels back down to the starting position in a controlled … Read more

Bicep Cable Curl: Muscles Worked, How To Do and Variations

Cable Bicep Curl

The cable curl is a well-known biceps exercise that helps build a bigger and stronger arm. This isolation exercise works primarily on your biceps and trains the muscles in your forearms. Why are cable curls so vital? Cable curls have many advantages over traditional bicep curls. One of the benefits of cable curls is their consistent tension throughout … Read more

Dumbbell Bicep Curl: Muscles Worked, How To Do and Tips

Dumbbell Bicep Curl

If you want to build a bigger and stronger bicep, you should add dumbbell bicep curls to your arm workout routine. The dumbbell bicep curl is a highly recognizable biceps exercise that helps to build a bigger and stronger arm. It has been used for decades by bodybuilders and strength athletes. It is a highly effective exercise to target the biceps, … Read more

7 Best Barbell Trap Exercises For Mass and Strength

Barbell Trap Exercises

Ready to build a head-turning, boulder-like set of traps? Look no further. In this guide, I’m sharing my 7 favorite (based on science and experience) barbell trap exercises that will pack on serious mass and strength. The exercises have been chosen because they can work the traps from different angles and give the trap muscles … Read more