How To Do Plate Side Bend

The weight plate side bend is an effective exercise for training the internal and external obliques. It also strengthens the spine’s lateral flexion, improves spinal mobility, and helps develop a strong and stable core.

It also helps to get rid of the extra layer of fat around the waistline, reduce the risk of back pain, and improve functional movements.

Variations: For an easier variation, you can do a bodyweight side bend, and for the challenging side bend, do a barbell side bend or weighted 45-degree hyperextension bench side bends.

Plate Side Bend Muscles Worked

  • The plate-side bend primarily targets the obliques, which have two layers: the external obliques (the larger, superficial muscles on the sides of the abdomen) and the internal obliques (located beneath the external obliques).
  • It also hits the Abs, Serratus anterior, and quadratus lumborum, (the deep, hidden muscle on either side of the lower spine)
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How To Do Plate Side Bend

Plate Side Bend
  1. First, stand up straight with your feet about as wide as your shoulders.
  2. Grab a plate in your right hand and let it hang by your side. You can put your other hand behind your head or at the side—it’s up to you.
  3. Keep your body tall and proud. Imagine a string pulling you up from the top of your head.
  4. Your shoulders should be right over your hips, and keep your head neutral.
  5. Slowly lean to your left, bending at the waist. Go as far as you comfortably can – you should feel your side muscles (obliques) working hard. Hold it for a quick second at the bottom.
  6. Bend sideways at the waist to the left as low as possible, using your oblique muscles to pull your torso down.
  7. Then, bring yourself back up to where you started. That’s one rep.
  8. Do as many as you’re aiming for, then switch the plate to your other hand and do the same on the opposite side.
Know More: 18 Abs Exercises At Home Without Equipment

Proper Form And Tips

  • Maintain a neutral spine from start to finish. Avoid rounding your shoulders forward or overextending your spine.
  • As you perform the exercise, you should feel only a slight stretch in your side. Do not laterally flex beyond this point.
  • Keep your arm close to your body and your hips still throughout the exercise.
  • To work the oblique muscle, perform these exercises slowly and steadily.
  • Avoid loading the heavyweight for this exercise. Large, overdeveloped oblique muscles will make your waist appear bulky.
  • If you hold a weight in both hands then they will counterbalance each other and this exercise will lose its effectiveness. Do one side at a time.

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