Plank Rotation: How To Do and Muscles Worked

Plank rotation is one of the best variations of the front plank, which adds rotational movement. It is also known as the plank twist.

The rotation offers all the core-strengthening benefits of a regular plank, along with the added benefits of oblique, lower back, and transverse abdominis. It also improves the flexibility and mobility of your spine and hip flexors.

Because it works a lot of muscle groups at once, this exercise can help you burn more calories.

Plank Rotation Muscles Worked

  • Primary Muscles Worked: Rectus Abdominis and Obliques
  • Secondary Muscles Worked: Erector Spinae and Deltoids
  • Stabilizing Muscles: Transverse Abdominis, Glutes, Quadratus Lumborum, Serratus Anterior and Latissimus Dorsi

How to Do Plank Rotation

  1. Get into a push-­up position with your arms straight and shoulder-­width apart.
  2. Your feet should be wider than hip distance.
  3. Keep your body in a straight line from head to heels. No saggy hips or piked-up butts allowed.
  4. Shift your weight onto your left hand.
  5. Now lift your right arm towards the ceiling. Reach for the stars! Or, you know, your ceiling.
  6. Stop the movement once both arms form a straight line, creating a “T” with your body.
  7. Now, do the same thing, but lift your left arm this time. OR you can also complete reps on a single side before switching to the next side.

Tips and Techniques

  • Keep your body in a straight line from head to heels. No sagging hips or raised butts.
  • Ensure your elbow is directly under your shoulder to provide a stable support base.
  • As you rotate, follow your hand with your eyes. It helps with balance and proper form.
  • It’s better to do 5 perfect rotations than 20 sloppy ones.
  • If you’re a beginner or find the exercise too challenging, modify it by placing your bottom knee on the ground or reducing the range of motion.
  • Once you’ve mastered the basic plank rotation, add variations like holding a weight or using a stability ball.

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