Resistance Band Chest Fly: How To Do, Muscles Worked & Technique

A resistance band chest fly is a great exercise to train your chest muscles at home. It is a simple yet effective exercise that can be done anywhere with a resistance band.

This exercise is a great variation of the traditional chest fly exercise, which uses a resistance band for training and for better results.

Resistance bands also keep the muscles under tension throughout the entire movement, which is important for muscle growth.

In this beginner’s guide to the resistance band chest fly, we’ll go over proper form and technique. We’ll also provide modifications and tips to get the most out of your chest flys.

What Is Resistance Band Chest Fly?

A “RESISTANCE BAND CHEST FLY” is a variation of the chest fly that uses a resistance band to train chest muscles. It is possible to perform the same exercises without an anchor.

It is best to train your chest at home with resistance bands due to the portability and versatility of resistance bands.

Compared to dumbbell chest flyes, the resistance curve in band chest flyes is more evenly distributed. You have a greater constant load on your chest muscles throughout the entire range of motion.

You can make it harder or easier depending on how strong you are.

There are different variations of resistance band chest fly that you can try, such as

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How Resistance Band Work

Resistance bands provide unique tension. These are made up of materials with high elasticity. When you stretch it, the molecules are temporarily pulled apart and have a tendency to pull back together.

The more you stretch it, the greater the force it exerts to return to its original shape just like an ordinary rubber band.

“There are various types of chest exercises that can be performed using a resistance band, but in this article we will talk about chest fly”

But, we have that one same question again … “HOW RESISTANCE BAND FLY TRAIN THE CHEST MUSCLE ?”

  • By Providing Constant Tension
  • Stabilization Against Force of Band
  • Better Range of Motion

Muscles Worked During Resistance Band Fly

The band chest fly primarily works the chest muscles, but also other muscles.

Primary muscles worked:

  • Pectoralis major
  • Pectoralis minor

Secondary muscles worked:

How To Do Standing Resistance Band Chest Fly

  • Attach one end of the resistance band to an anchor point like a doorknob, a bed frame, or a wall mounted hook.
  • Stand with your back to the anchor point, holding one end of the resistance band in each hand. Your arms should be extended
  • Take a step forward to create tension in the band.
  • Bring your hands together in front of your chest, squeezing the chest muscles as the hands come close
  • Slowly bring your hands back to your chest to complete one rep.
  • Perform your desired number of reps.
Band Fly

Tips and Form To Do Band Chest Fly

  1. Keep your core tight, chest out, and shoulder blades together.
  2. Keep your back straight.
  3. Keep your feet firmly planted.
  4. Maintain your motion, while extending and retracting.
  5. Bands should remain taut throughout the movement. Do not let your hands drop below chest level.
  6. Keep your shoulders down and be careful not to shrug or hunch them up.
  7. If you are new to this exercise, start with lower reps, like 8-10. 
  8. Adjust the tension level by using different bands with different elasticity or tension level.

Variations Of Band Chest Fly

We can also perform this exercise in some variations like “Low to high band fly” and “High to low band fly” or “Single hand fly”.

Now let’s talk about these variations and how to perform them properly.

1. Resistance Band Low To High Band Fly

The Low to high chest fly also known as low band fly is the best chest exercise that can help to train the chest at various angles and strengthen the chest and shoulders.

It primarily targets the upper chest by pulling the arms from a low to high angle.

Low To High Band Fly

How To Do On Anchor Resistance Band Low Fly

  1. Attach the resistance band to a lower anchor point, such as a doorknob.
  2. Hold the resistance band in each hand with your arms out to the sides.
  3. Make a slight bend in your elbows and pull your hands upward and towards each other in wide arcs in front of you.
  4. At the top of the movement, squeeze your chest muscles together.
  5. Slowly lower back to the starting position.
  6. Repeat for the desired number of repetitions.

2. Resistance Band High To Low Band Fly

High cable chest fly, also known as high to low cable fly, is the best chest exercise that can help to train the chest at various angles and strengthen the chest and shoulders.

It mainly targets the lower pectorals by pulling the arms from a high to a low angle.

High To Low Band Fly

How To Do Band High Fly Without Anchor

  1. Attach the resistance band to a high anchor point.
  2. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Hold the band in each hand with your arms out of the sides.
  3. Bend your elbows slightly, pull your hands (high to low) towards each other in a wide arc in front of you.
  4. Slowly return to the starting position.
  5. Complete 10-12 reps.

3. Resistance Band Single Arm Fly

This unilateral exercise offers unique benefits and can be used to address muscular imbalances, increase core engagement, and enhance focus on the muscle being worked.

If you have muscle imbalances in your chest, the resistance band single arm fly can help to correct them.

Resistance Band Single Arm Fly

How To Do Band One Arm Band Fly

  1. Attach the resistance band to a sturdy anchor point at your chest height.
  2. Hold the resistance band with a single arm so that your arm is at chest height.
  3. Keep your elbow stationary, open your arm out to the side until your hand is in line with your shoulder.
  4. Reverse the motion, and bring your hand back to the starting position.
  5. Complete the desired reps and perform with your other hand as well.


Resistance band chest fly exercises can be a good addition to your workout routine because they work the pectoral (chest) muscles and are good alternatives to traditional fly exercises.

Adding them to your chest workout routine at home can broaden your chest and boost your overall strength.

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