Rope Lat Pulldown

rope lat pulldown

The Rope Lat Pulldown is a variation of the regular lat pulldown exercise that targets your back muscles, specifically the latissimus dorsi (lats). It also targets multiple muscle groups in the upper back, as well as the arms and forearm muscles. Unlike the lat pulldown with a wide or narrow overhand grip, the rope uses … Read more

Wide Grip Lat Pulldown: Muscles Worked, How To Do and Form

Wide Grip Lat Pulldown

Want to build a big, muscular back? The wide-grip lat pulldown should be at the top of your back workout routine. The wide grip lat pulldown is a variation of the lat pulldown and a popular back exercise that targets the back muscles, particularly the lats and teres major. The compound pull exercise helps build … Read more

Kneeling Bodyweight Triceps Extension

Kneeling bodyweight triceps extension

The bodyweight triceps extension, also known as the body-weight skull crusher, is a highly effective exercise for targeting and strengthening the triceps muscles without the need for any gym equipment. This exercise is ideal for beginners with limited upper body strength, as it provides a solid foundation for building muscle and strength. To increase the … Read more

Bodyweight Arm Exercises To Build Bigger Bicep & Tricep At Home

Bodyweight Arm Exercises

Many people think they need to lift a lot of weight at the gym to make their arms bigger and stronger. However, they ignored the benefits of doing bodyweight arm exercises without any fancy equipment at the comfort of home. Bodyweight arm exercises can effectively strengthen your biceps and triceps. These simple yet effective exercises … Read more

Bodyweight Bicep Curl Exercises That You Can Do at Home

Bodyweight Bicep Curl Exercise

Bodyweight bicep curls are a highly effective and convenient exercise that targets your bicep muscles using your body weight as resistance instead of traditional weights or machines. Bodyweight bicep curls are an excellent exercise for anyone who wants to build strong, toned arms without using heavy weights or gym equipment. It’s a myth that men … Read more

Barbell Shrug: How To Do and Muscles Worked

Barbell Shoulder Shrug

You know the most effective way to build up your traps is to do shoulder shrugs, or you can say barbell shrugs. Barbell Shrugs, also known as barbell shoulder shrugs, are popular among bodybuilders and athletes for strengthening upper traps and neck muscles. A study has shown that shrugging helps relieve shoulder and neck pain. Strengthening … Read more

Seated Rear Delt Fly: How To Do and Muscles Worked

The seated dumbbell rear delt fly, also known as the seated bent-over reverse delt fly, is an upper-body exercise that targets your upper back and shoulder muscles. It is one of the best variations of the dumbbell rear delt fly for isolating and working specifically on rear deltoid muscles. I must add it to my … Read more

15 Best Dumbbell Rear Delt Exercises (With Workout Routine)

Dumbbell Rear Delt Exercises

Many of us want to build bigger shoulders (deltoid) to gain a V-shape body and a stronger upper back so we can lift more heavy weights during our next gym workout. Some need to build a stronger rear delt to improve posture and reduce pain, and all that can be achieved with a pair of … Read more