Machine Incline Chest Press

Machine Incline Chest Press

The machine incline chest press is a strength training exercise that primarily targets the pectoralis major (upper chest), anterior deltoids, and triceps. The machine’s incline angle allows you to target the upper chest muscles differently than a flat or decline machine chest press. It offers many unique advantages, like lowers the chance of injury compared to those using … Read more

Machine Decline Chest Press

Decline Machine Chest Press

The machine decline chest press is a strength training exercise that primarily targets the pectoralis major (lower chest), anterior deltoids, and triceps. The decline machine press can be easier on the shoulder joints than the incline press because the downward angle puts less stress on the shoulder rotator cuff. The machine’s guided motion helps you keep your … Read more

25 Best Forearm Exercises for Mass and Strength

forearm exercises

Don’t neglect your forearms. Strong forearms are key for good grip strength, balanced arm aesthetics, and overall pulling power. Even if you do back and bicep workouts, your forearms might not get the focus they deserve. The bigger muscles take priority during back exercises, leaving your forearms lagging. Plus, your biceps might be stealing the … Read more

Seated Machine Chest Press: How To Do and Muscles Worked

Machine Chest Press

The seated machine chest press is a popular upper body strength training exercise that targets the chest, shoulders, and triceps. It offers many unique advantages, like lowers the chance of injury compared to those using free weights. Additionally, the machine provides a controlled range of motion and allows for better isolation of the chest muscles. … Read more

Parallel Bar Dip: How To Do and Muscles Worked

Parallel Bar Dip

Parallel bar dips also know as bar dips are a highly effective compound exercise that primarily targets the chest, triceps, and shoulder muscles while also engaging the upper back muscles, including the trapezius, for stability. Due to its numerous benefits, this exercise is a staple in many strength training and calisthenics programs to build muscular … Read more

How To Do Smith Machine Incline Press With Correct Angle

Smith Machine Incline Press

The Smith machine is popular among bodybuilders and powerlifters who want to make their incline press more powerful. It lets you lift heavier weights without balancing or stabilizing the bar. This helps you get stronger and make your chest muscles bigger. The smith machine bench press can be done in different ways, including incline press. … Read more

12 Best Dumbbell Oblique Exercises for a Stronger Core

Dumbbell Oblique Exercises

Do you want to tone up and strengthen your core muscles, especially the obliques, with a dumbbell? Look no further! Here, I will share the best and most effective dumbbell exercises specifically designed to target and engage the oblique muscles. The dumbbell is a versatile and accessible tool that allows for an increased range of … Read more

12 Best Short Head Bicep Exercises (Inner Bicep)

Best Short Head Bicep Exercises

The biceps brachii muscle (biceps) is a large, thick upper arm muscle. The short head of the biceps brachii muscle refers to one of the two heads that make up the biceps muscle in the upper arm. Why focus on the short head? As we know, the biceps brachii muscle consists of two distinct heads: … Read more

Standing Cable Row: Muscles Worked and Variations

Standing Cable Row

Standing cable rows are often used in upper-body workouts because they are a great way to work the middle back, biceps, lats, and shoulders. This exercise also strengthens your lower back and core. The standing cable row can be performed in different grip positions and attachments.  Changing how you hold the cable attachment emphasizes the muscles worked. Try … Read more