Chin Ups Muscles Worked: What You Need To Know

Do you think chin-ups are just a back workout? Think again. Chin-ups are a powerful exercise that works a lot of muscles. It gives you a stronger upper-body workout than you’re expecting.

Understanding how a chin-up works different muscles can help you do better in your exercise routine. It also helps you get the most out of your workouts and make them more interesting.

Read on to learn more about this classic exercise and why adding chin-ups to your routine helps to mass and strength. It is time to give up the myth that chin-ups are all about the back and get ready to engage your entire upper body.

What Are Chin Ups

Chin ups and pull ups are often used interchangeably, however they do have some differences. Chin-ups are a form of bodyweight exercise that targets multiple upper body muscles.

Chin ups and pull ups are both exercises that target the upper body, specifically the back muscles such as latissimus dorsi, trapeziusrhomboids and shoulders, and arms.

Initially, chin-ups and pull-ups may appear similar, but there are actually some key differences between them. They are both performed using a pull-up bar, and the main difference between the two exercises is the grip used.

1. Grip

  • Chin-ups are performed with an underhand or supinated grip, with palms facing towards you.
  • In pull-ups, you use an overhand (pronated) grip, with palms facing away from you.

2. Muscle Worked

  • Chin-ups place more emphasis on the biceps brachii, brachialis, and brachioradialis. This grip targets the biceps more than the back and shoulders.
  • Pull-ups, on the other hand, focus more on the latissimus dorsi and less on the biceps. This grip targets the back and shoulders more than the biceps.

3. Difficulty

Many find chin-ups to be slightly easier than pull-ups due to the greater bicep engagement. If someone can do 8 pull ups, they can usually do 12 chin ups because they have different grips, muscles, and strength.

Chin Ups Vs Pull Ups
Know More: 25 Different Types Of Pull Ups And Chin Ups (Variations)

Muscle Worked During Chin Ups

Chin ups primarily work the biceps, but also involve several other muscle groups in the upper body.

The main muscles worked during chin ups are, Bicepsbrachialis, and Latissimus dorsi

Other secondary and Synergists muscles worked during chin ups are, Brachioradialis, rear deltoid, rhomboids, Levator ScapulaeTrapezius muscle groups, pectoralis majorerector spinae, Infraspinatus.

Muscle Worked During Chin Ups

Primary Muscles Worked in Chin-Ups

When you do a chin-up, you’re working several key muscles in your upper body. The primary muscles used in a chin-up are listed below.

1. Latissimus Dorsi (Lats)

The latissimus dorsi muscles are prominently worked in most pull-up variations, but they are less emphasized during a chin-up because of the underhand grip. Nevertheless, the lats are still the most worked muscle in the upper back during a chin-up.

When you pull your body up towards the bar, your lats do most of the heavy lifting. The latissimus dorsi is a large, flat muscle on your back that plays a major role in adducting and extending the shoulder joint.

2. Biceps Brachii

According to a 2018 study by the Journal of Physical Fitness, the bicep muscle is the second most active muscle during chin ups.

The Biceps brachii is responsible for elbow flexion and forearm supination. It also helps you bend your elbow and rotate your forearm to turn your palm upwards.

When you pull yourself up, your biceps are one of the main muscles used in the exercise. When your biceps contract, they help bend your elbows and raise your body.

3. Brachialis

This muscle lies underneath the biceps brachii and is a strong elbow flexor. The brachialis is active during any elbow flexion activity.

During chin-ups, this muscle works in tandem with the biceps brachii to powerfully flex the elbow, aiding you as you lift your body up.

Secondary Muscles Worked in Chin-Ups

While the primary muscles, like the latissimus dorsi, biceps brachii, and brachialis, do most of the work during chin-ups, there are also some secondary muscles that help with the movement.

The muscles used during chin up are often overlooked, but they’re important.

4. Brachioradialis

The brachioradialis muscle, which is situated in the forearm, aids in elbow flexion.

Even though this muscle isn’t the main focus of chin-ups, it helps the biceps and brachialis bend the elbow, especially when you’re pushing yourself over the bar.

5. Trapezius

The trapezius muscle helps to stabilize the shoulders during a chin-up. It does this by retracting the scapulae (shoulder blades) and upwardly rotating them.

The trapezius muscle aka trap muscle is one of the widest back muscles. The trap muscle is divided into three parts: the upper, middle, and lower trap. All three parts contribute to shoulder stability.

6. Rhomboids

Located between your shoulder blades, rhomboids are responsible for retracting the scapula, bringing them towards the spine.

During the chin-up, as you pull yourself up and squeeze your shoulder blades together, the rhomboids are activated, aiding in scapular retraction.

7. Teres Major

This muscle is sometimes referred to as the “little Lat” and works in conjunction with the latissimus dorsi to perform similar functions, such as adduction and extension of the arm.

While moving, the teres major assists the lats in pulling the humerus back and down, contributing to the lifting movement.

8. Forearm Muscles

Chin-ups require a strong grip on the bar, which puts a lot of stress on the forearm muscles. Many people who struggle with chin-ups or pull-ups find that their weak forearms are the limiting factor

9. Core Muscles

While not the main focus, the muscles of the core—including the rectus abdominis and obliques—are also engaged to stabilize your body during the chin-up.

Science Behind Muscle Worked During Chin Up

The biomechanics and muscular engagement of chin-ups may appear straightforward, but they are based on intricate scientific principles.

Understanding the science behind which muscles are engaged during chin-ups can aid in perfecting your form and optimizing your training regimen.

In one of the Study, electromyographic (EMG) activation of back, shoulder, arm, and abdominal musculature measured and expressed as a percentage of maximum voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC) during a pull-up, chin-up, or rotational exercise with Perfect Pull-up twisting handles.

The muscles are:

  • External oblique (EO)
  • Erector spinae (ES)
  • Pectoralis major (PM)
  • Lower trapezius (LT)
  • Infraspinatus (ISP)
  • Biceps brachii (BB)
  • Latissimus dorsi (LD)

The Biceps brachii and pec major were more active during the chin up compared to the pull-up, while the back and lower traps were more active during the pull-up.

Note: In this study, the difference in muscle activation between chin ups and pull ups is surprisingly small.

Another useful paper to look at for assessing the muscles worked in the chin up and pull-up is Electromyographic analysis of muscle activation during pull-up variations.

The study also shows that chin-ups build more muscle mass and are easier to progress with weight and load. Chin-ups also allow for a greater range of motion when done correctly because they allow the elbows to travel farther behind the back, resulting in a greater contraction.

Know More: 15 Best Bodyweight Back Workout: Beginner to Advanced

How To Do Chin Up

To perform chin ups correctly, follow these steps:

How To Do Chin Up
  1. Grip the pull-up bar with your palms facing towards you and use a narrow grip.
  2. Hang from the bar with your arms fully extended and shoulders pulled down and back.
  3. Engage your core and keep your body in a straight line from your head to your heels.
  4. Pull your body up towards the bar by flexing your elbows and bringing your chest towards the bar.
  5. Keep your elbows close to your body as you pull yourself up.
  6. Once your chin is above the bar, hold for a moment and then lower yourself back down slowly.
  7. Repeat for the desired number of reps.

What are the Benefits of Doing Chin-Ups?

Chin ups provide greater activation of the arm muscles and back, and thus can be beneficial if you are looking to strengthen your upper body.

1. Build Upper Body Strength

Chin-ups engage multiple muscle groups simultaneously, including the latissimus dorsi, biceps brachii, brachialis, and various secondary muscles.

This makes chin-ups an effective exercise for those looking to improve upper body strength and muscle definition.

2. Improve Grip Strength

The pulling motion used in chin-ups is a basic human movement pattern that can be used in many daily activities, such as lifting objects or climbing.

Regularly performing chin ups help improve grip strength, which can carry over to other exercises and activities.

3. Improving Posture

Chin-ups engage the muscles responsible for scapular retraction and depression, such as the lower trapezius and rhomboids.

It helps to strengthen the muscles of the upper back, which improves posture and reduces the risk of back pain.

4. Improving Shoulder Mobility

Chin ups and pull ups involve a good range of motion of the shoulder joint, as you are pulling yourself up to the bar, which can help in improving the shoulder mobility.

5. It Can Be Done Anywhere

Chin ups can be done with a pull-up bar, which can be installed at home, gym or even in a playground, making it a convenient and accessible exercise.

Benefits of Doing Chin-Ups
Know More: Push Ups: Muscle Worked, How-To Do

Variations OF Chin Ups

When you want to try new workouts without adding new equipment or different training methods. You can pack a few different types of chin up into one workout.

Many of these moves can be made easier or harder, depending on your requirements.

Make It Easier

There are ways to make chin-ups easier to do.

  • Machine assisted chin-up: where weight is added to assist with the movement
  • Resistance band assisted chin ups: where the band provides support and helps to lift a portion of the bodyweight
  • Isometric holds: hold yourself in the top position of the pull-up or chin-up for a certain amount of time before progressing to full reps.
  • Use a box or bench to step up to the pull-up bar, which reduces the amount of bodyweight being lifted.

Make It Harder

There are several modifications and variations that can be made to make chin-ups harder.

  • Adding weight to the body, such as using a weight belt or holding a dumbbell between the legs
  • Chin up, with a wide grip, increases the difficulty and emphasizes forearms.
  • Doing a one arm chin-up, which increases the difficulty and emphasizes the upper body
  • Incorporating dynamic movements such as plyometric Pull Up.

1. Machine Assisted Chin-Ups

Machine-assisted chin-ups are exercises that are performed using a machine that provides assistance to the user.

The machine allows the user to perform the exercise with less effort. Make it easier for them to complete a full range of motion.

This is especially helpful for beginners who need to build up their strength gradually.

Machine Assisted Chin-Ups

2. Band Assisted Chin-Ups

Band assisted chin-ups are a variation that uses a resistance band to provide assistance during the exercise.

This variation can be helpful for beginners or those looking to increase the number of reps they can perform.

It can also be used as a way to progress towards unassisted chin-ups and pull-ups. The amount of assistance can be adjusted by using a band with different resistances or by adjusting the position of the band.

Band Assisted Chin-Ups

3. Isometric Holds Chin Ups

Isometric holds involve holding yourself at the top or both position for a certain amount of time.

This type of exercise can help build strength and endurance in the muscles used for pull ups and chin ups, and can also help improve your overall technique.

For example, you can perform an isometric hold at the top of a chin up by pulling yourself up to the bar and holding the position for a set period of time, such as 5-10 sec.

Isometric Chin ups

4. Weighted Chin Up

In weighted pull-ups and chin ups, additional weight is added to the body during the pull-up, typically in the form of a weight belt or a dumbbell held between the legs.

The added weight increases the resistance and the difficulty of the exercise.

It’s a great way to progress from bodyweight pull-ups and chin up and to increase the intensity of the workout.

It’s also important to have a strong base of bodyweight pull-ups before attempting this variation.

Weighted Chin Up

5. Negatives Chin-Up

Negative Chin-ups, also known as “eccentric chin-ups”, are a variation of chin-ups that focus on the eccentric (lowering) portion of the movement.

In this variation, the individual uses a step or a partner to help them jump or lift themselves to the top position of the chin-up or pull up, and then slowly lower themselves down over a period of several seconds.

This can be a great way to increase muscle activation and strength in the upper back, lats, and biceps, as the eccentric portion of the movement is typically where the muscle is under the most tension.

Additionally, since the negative portion is slower, it creates more time under tension, and can be more effective for muscle growth.

6. Single-Arm Chin-Up

A single-arm chin-up is a challenging variation of the traditional chin-up, which targets the same muscle groups but with an added emphasis on grip strength and stability.

One arm pull-ups and chin-ups are the best way to show how strong you are physically and mentally.

Grips the bar with one hand and performs the chin-up movement with that arm.

This variation can help to increase muscle activation and strength in the upper body, particularly in the forearm, biceps and back.

Single-Arm Chin-Up


Are chin-ups good for building muscle?

Yes, chin-ups are excellent for building muscle in the upper body, especially when performed with proper form and technique.

Can I do chin-ups every day?

It’s best to let your muscles rest for at least 48 hours between intense chin-up workouts to avoid overuse injuries and to build muscle.

Do chin-ups work the core?

Yes, chin-ups do engage the core muscles to some extent. While the primary focus is on the upper body, your core acts as a stabilizer during the movement, providing a mild but beneficial core workout.

Are chin ups more effective?

Compared to other exercises, chin-ups are highly effective for targeting multiple upper-body muscles like the lats and biceps.

If you are looking to build bigger biceps, chin-ups are the better option. If you are looking to build a wider back, pull-ups are the better option.

How many chin-ups a day?

The number of chin-ups you can do per day depends on your fitness level, how much rest you’re getting, and what other exercises you’re doing. If you’re just starting out, it is recommended to do 1-3 sets of 3-6 chin-ups every day, and gradually increase the number over time.

Do chin-ups build muscle fast?

Yes, chin-ups are effective for building muscle relatively quickly in the upper body, especially the lats and biceps, when incorporated into a balanced workout routine. However, the speed of muscle growth also depends on factors like nutrition, rest, and fitness level.

Finally, you need to give your muscles time to recover. This means taking rest days between workouts. When you work out, you break down your muscles. The rest days allow your muscles to repair themselves and grow stronger.

Do chin-ups give big arms?

Chin-ups are an effective exercise for building big and muscular arms. The exercise primarily targets the biceps brachii, brachialis, and brachioradialis. The narrow underhand grip of chin-ups elicits the most significant biceps activation, making it an essential part of your biceps training.


Chin ups are effective exercises for building upper body strength and muscle mass. They are a compound exercise that works several muscle groups at once, including the lats, biceps, and shoulders.

In addition to building upper body strength and definition, chin-ups offer a range of benefits, including improving grip and core strength.

Chin-ups are a versatile exercise that can be done almost anywhere with a chin-up bar or a sturdy horizontal bar that can support your body weight


  • Hewit, Jennifer. (2018). A Comparison of Muscle Activation during the Pull-up and Three Alternative Pulling Exercises. Journal of Physical Fitness, Medicine & Treatment in Sports. 5. 10.19080/JPFMTS.2018.05.555669.
  • James W Youdas  Collier L Amundson, Kyle S Cicero, Justin J Hahn, David T Harezlak, John H Hollman: Surface electromyographic activation patterns and elbow joint motion during a pull-up, chin-up, or perfect-pullup™ rotational exercise. J Strength Cond Res 2010 Dec.
  • Dickie JA, Faulkner JA, Barnes MJ, Lark SD. Electromyographic analysis of muscle activation during pull-up variations. J Electromyogr Kinesiol. 2017 Feb

Different Types Of Pull Ups and Chin Ups

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