Smith Machine Shrug: How To Do and Muscles Worked

smith machine shrug

The Smith machine shrug is perhaps the go-to movement for toning or adding mass to the trapezius muscle, specifically the upper traps. This exercise leverages the Smith machine’s key advantage: fixed rails that guide the barbell. This stability allows you to concentrate on the shrugging motion and maximize the work done by your traps. It … Read more

12 Dumbbell Forearm Exercises for Mass and Strength

Dumbbell Forearm Exercises for Mass and Strength

Dumbbell forearm exercises are an excellent way to improve your grip and wrist strength. They’re easy to use and versatile enough to target various forearm muscles at home or the gym. Forearm exercises with dumbbells allow unilateral training (working each forearm independently), which helps address any muscle imbalances between your dominant and non-dominant arms. Dumbbells … Read more

Machine Chest Fly: How To Do, Muscles Worked, Benefits

Machine Chest Fly or Pec Deck Fly

The machine chest fly is a strength training exercise that works the chest muscles. It is a popular exercise in gyms and fitness centers because it isolates the chest muscles. This means the exercise only works the chest muscles without actively working the triceps or shoulders. This exercise provides a smooth and controlled movement, resulting … Read more

Dumbbell Rear Delt Fly: How To Do, Muscle Worked, Tips

Dumbbell Rear Delt Fly

The dumbbell rear delt fly is a simple yet effective isolation (single-joint) exercise that increases deltoid muscle definition and strength. The rear delt dumbbell fly targets your upper back and shoulder muscles, particularly the rear deltoids (the backside of your shoulders). A strong rear delt muscle helps lifters and bodybuilders build bigger delt muscles. It improves … Read more

Rear Delt Cable Fly: How To Do, Muscles Worked, Tips

Cable Rear Delt Fly

The Cable rear delt fly, also known as the reverse cable fly or high cable rear delt fly, is an exercise that increases deltoid muscle definition and strength. The rear delt cable fly exercise targets your upper back and shoulder muscles, particularly the posterior deltoids, or rear deltoids. It also improves posture by reducing the … Read more

15 Best Upper Chest Exercises for Mass and Strength

Upper Chest Exercises

Looking to build a bigger, stronger, and more defined upper chest? If so, you’re not alone. The upper chest is one of the most coveted and admired muscle groups, and for good reason. A well-defined chest is a true symbol of strength and masculinity. However, sculpting the chest is not easy; it requires a targeted approach … Read more

One-Arm Dumbbell Front Raise

One-Arm Dumbbell Front Raise

The One-Arm dumbbell front raise is one of the best shoulder exercises, primarily targeting the anterior deltoids (front of the shoulders). Since you’re lifting one arm at a time, this exercise also challenges your core muscles. This exercise works one arm at a time and helps to fix the imbalance between the left and right … Read more

5 Best Barbell Upper Chest Exercises for Bigger Pecs

Best Barbell Upper Chest Exercises

Are you looking to build a bigger, stronger, and more defined upper chest? If so, you’re not alone. There are many benefits of doing an upper chest workout with a barbell. Barbell exercises, like the incline barbell bench press, work many muscles simultaneously, including the upper chest, shoulder, and tricep. They allow you to lift … Read more