Close Grip Vs Normal Grip Vs Wide Grip Upright Row

If you’re looking to build up your shoulder and upper back muscles, then upright rows are a must-try exercise. However, with different grips to choose for upright row from – narrow, normal and wide – it can be difficult to know which one to use.

That’s where this ultimate guide comes in, which will compare the benefits and drawbacks of both narrow and wide grip upright rows.

With this guide, you’ll learn which grip is best for targeting specific muscle groups, as well as how to perform the exercise safely and effectively.

This guide will provide you with all the information you need to take your upright rows to the next level.

Wide Grip Vs. Narrow Grip Vs Close Grip Upright Row

When performed correctly, the barbell upright row can be a fantastic muscle-building exercise for the upper back and shoulders, which can help to shape your upper arms and torso.

One key factor that can influence the muscle activation and emphasis in this exercise is the grip width.

There are three main variations of grip width: close grip, normal grip, and wide grip

  • Close or narrow grip (half of shoulder width),
  • A standard grip (shoulder width grip)
  • A wide grip (wider than the shoulder)

All have their unique advantages and disadvantages. Let’s take a closer look at each of these variations:

1. Normal (Shoulder Width) Upright Row

The normal grip variation is characterized by placing the hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.

This grip width provides a balanced activation of the shoulder muscles, including the deltoids, trapezius, and biceps.

It allows for a greater range of motion compared to the close grip. And it is generally considered to be a safer option for most individuals.

The normal grip variation provides overall shoulder development and is suitable for those seeking balanced muscle activation.

Additionally, mastering the barbell upright row can help you lift heavier while doing the bench press and overhead press.


  • Balanced muscle activation.
  • Reduced risk of shoulder strain


  • Moderate emphasis on specific muscle groups.

How To Do

  1. Stand facing the barbell with your feet shoulder width apart and load it with the weight you want to use.
  2. To grasp the barbell, hold it with an overhand grip and hands that are slightly closer than shoulder width apart.
  3. Pick up the bar with your back straight and bend your knees.
  4. Keeping your back straight and eyes facing forwards, lift the bar straight up while keeping it as close to your body as possible. 
  5. Hold for a moment before you go back to the starting position.
  6. Repeat for desired reps.

2. Close Grip Barbell Upright Row

The close grip variation involves placing the hands closer together, typically around shoulder-width apart or slightly narrower.

The close grip upright row allows for maximum (Range of motion) ROM because it allows the elbows to raise higher than the shoulders. 

With a narrow grip, your upper arms draw more forward rather than moving directly out to your sides. This version also places emphasis more on the upper trap and a little lesser on the lateral delt and rear delt.

Individuals with shoulder problems should avoid the narrow grip variation.


  • Target the medial deltoids more effectively
  • Engage the upper traps
  • For some people, it may be more comfortable to have a closer grip.


  • Can put more strain on the wrists and elbows
  • It may be more difficult to perform with heavier weights
Close Grip Upright Row

How To Do

  • Hold a barbell with an overhand grip and stand with your feet hip-width apart.
  • Your grip on the barbell should be less than shoulder-width apart. Let it hang in front of you.
  • While keeping your barbell close to your body, lift the bar and get it up to chest height using your arms.
  • Allow your shoulder blades to move naturally with your shoulder joints. Pause at the top of the movement.
  • Now, slowly lower the bar until it comes back to its starting position.
  • Repeat the close grip upright row for your desired number of repetitions.

3. Wide Grip Barbell Upright Row

The wide grip variation involves placing the hands wider than shoulder-width apart.

The wide-grip upright row is preferable to the regular upright row because it prevents the elbows from going too high, which in turn prevents rotator cuff injuries.

It may also be more shoulder-friendly for people who cannot handle the close-grip version.  

The wide-grip upright row places heavy emphasis more in the lateral and rear deltoid and little lessor on the upper and middle trap because your upper arms move directly out to your sides in the same plane as lateral raises.

Many trainers recommend that you avoid the narrow grip upright row. They say that the wide-grip upright row, if performed in the way described, is safe.



Barbell Upright Row

How To Do Wide Grip Upright Row With Barbell

  1. Hold a barbell with an overhand grip and stand with your feet hip-width apart. 
  2. Your grip on the barbell should be wider than shoulder-width apart. Let it hang in front of you.
  3. While keeping your barbell close to your body, lift the bar and get it up to chest height using your arms.
  4. Allow your shoulder blades to move naturally with your shoulder joints. Pause at the top of the movement.
  5. Now, lower the bar under controlled motion until it comes back to its starting position.
  6. Repeat the wide-grip upright row for your desired number of repetitions.
Read More To Learn More: Upright Row: Muscle Worked, Form, Benefits, Variations

Tips for Improving Your Upright Row Form

If you’re looking to improve your upright row form and get the most out of this exercise, here are a few tips to keep in mind:

  1. If you’re new to upright rows or trying to improve your form, start with a lighter weight and focus on getting the movement right before increasing the weight.
  2. Make sure you’re using the correct grip for your goals and personal preferences.
  3. Keep your elbows close to your body. This will help you target the right muscles and prevent injury.
  4. Keep your core engaged to help you maintain proper form and avoid using your lower back to lift the weight.
  5. Seeing yourself perform the exercise in a mirror can help you identify any form issues you may be having.
  6. To get the most out of your upright rows, consider pairing them with other upper body exercises such as push-ups, pull-ups, and dumbbell presses


Can upright rows be modified for those with limited shoulder mobility?

Yes, individuals with limited shoulder mobility can modify upright rows by using alternative equipment such as resistance bands or cable machines.

These options give you more freedom of movement and allow you to move more freely.

Are wide grip upright rows safe

Wide grip upright rows can be safe when done properly. But people who have shoulder issues or limited shoulder mobility should consult a qualified professional before trying this exercise.

Which grip is best for upright row?

A shoulder-width grip or a wide grip upright row is often considered the best option for most people. This grip allows for balanced muscle activation, engaging the deltoids, trapezius, and biceps effectively.

It provides a stable and controlled movement pattern while minimizing the risk of excessive strain on the shoulders.


Upright rows are a great exercise for building upper body strength and can be performed with a variety of grips and equipment.

Whether you choose to use a narrow or wide grip, focus on maintaining proper form and lifting the weight in a controlled manner.


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