Best Shoulder Workout With Barbell At Home Or Gym

If you’re looking for barbell shoulder workouts that you can do at home or at the gym, then you’re in the right place.

In this guide, I’m sharing my 10 favorite (based on science and experience) barbell shoulder exercises that will pack on serious mass and strength.

But Why is the barbell shoulder workout so important?

They are a great way to build strong, muscular shoulders. They allow you to lift heavier weights than you could with bodyweight or dumbbell shoulder exercises. This helps you to stimulate more muscle growth.

Also, finding time to exercise can be challenging for many, especially when going to the gym isn’t always an option. That’s why learning how to use barbells and do shoulder exercises at home can be helpful.

Here, we’ll look at the best barbell exercises for your shoulder, how to do them safely and effectively, and how to add them to your training plan.

Let’s get started.

How To Do A Shoulder Workout With Barbell

The barbell is an invaluable tool for sculpting powerful and aesthetic shoulders. Its versatility allows you to target all three heads of the deltoid muscle – anterior (front), lateral (middle), and posterior (rear) – from multiple angles and through a full range of motion.

Before starting the workout, it’s important to define your goals. Are you aiming for increased muscle mass, enhanced strength, endurance, or a combination?

Your goals will dictate the ideal rep and set ranges and exercise selection.

  • For strength gains, do 4 to 6 sets of 1 to 6 reps each exercise with a weight that is at least 85% of your one-repetition maximum (1RM) The fewer reps you perform, the closer to 100% of your 1RM you should strive for.
  • If your goal is hypertrophy (muscle growth), perform 8 to 12 reps With 70 to 85% of your 1RM.
  • When training for endurance, it is usually recommended to use higher reps (15 to 20 repetitions) and moderate loads, with a weight that is at least 50 to 70% of your 1RM.

Best Barbell Shoulder Exercises At Home

There are many barbell-only exercises that will directly and indirectly target your shoulder muscles. Barbell exercises are perfect as they require very little equipment and can be completed from your home.

In fact, the best shoulder workouts should liberally use barbell exercises, which are a smart way to target the different muscles of the shoulder.

1. Military Press AKA Overhead Press

If you’re looking for straightforward barbell shoulder exercises to add to your home routine, Overhead Press is a great staple exercise to get you started.

The military press is used primarily to build the deltoid muscles (anterior, lateral, and posterior). It also indirectly targets the other upper body muscles, including the triceps, upper chest and core.

Since the military press is completed standing up, it involves a lot of core strength to help stabilize the spine while pressing weight overhead.

Barbell Overhead Press

How To Do

  1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Grip the barbell with an overhand grip, slightly wider than shoulder-width.
  3. Elevate the barbell to shoulder height and place it on your collarbone. Elbows should be pointing forward, not flared out to the sides.
  4. Push the barbell straight up overhead until your arms are fully extended.
  5. Lower the bar back to your upper chest under control. Feel those shoulders working.


  • Perform a warm-up with 50% weight for 1–2 sets.
  • Keep momentum out of the movement, and don’t add any additional leg drive by flexing and extending the knees.
  • Keep your wrists straight. Bending them back can lead to wrist pain and decreased power.
  • Squeeze your glutes and brace your abs as you press. It would be best not to lean back excessively as you press.

2. Barbell Front Raise

The barbell front raise is an isolation exercise that involves lifting the barbell in front of you. It primarily targets the anterior head of the deltoid muscle.

It is possible to overload the muscles with the barbell to a greater degree than one may be capable of doing with dumbbells.

When you perform them over a period of time, it increases muscular hypertrophy, improves muscular endurance, and enhances neuromuscular control connections.

Barbell Front Raise

How To Do

  1. Stand holding the bar at shoulder width apart with a pronated grip.
  2. Your feet are also shoulder-width apart, and your knees are slightly bent.
  3. Lift the barbell forward with straight arms, until the bar is at shoulder height.
  4. Once the arms are parallel with the floor, slowly lower the bar back to the starting position.


  • Maintain a neutral back and engage your core throughout the exercise.
  • Keep a controlled motion and avoid jerky movements.
  • Experiment with different grip widths to find what feels most comfortable and effective for targeting your front deltoids.

3. Barbell Upright Row

The barbell upright row is an excellent exercise you can do at home to build huge Trapezius muscles. Upright rows can be done with both narrow and wider grips.

Research shows that the upright row is one of the best exercises for building shoulder strength and stability.

The exercise targets the smaller, stabilizing muscles of the shoulder joint. The enhanced strength and stability gained from this exercise may improve performance in sports and other physical activities.

Barbell upright rows can be performed with three main variations of grip width:

Barbell Upright Row

How To Do

  1. Stand up straight with your feet about hip-width apart. 
  2. Hold a barbell with an overhand grip (palms facing your body).
  3. Your hands should be about shoulder-width apart or slightly narrower.
  4. Let the barbell hang in front of your thighs with your arms fully extended.
  5. Keep the barbell close to your body, exhale, and slowly lift it straight up towards your chin.
  6. Pause briefly at the top of the movement, then inhale and lower the barbell back down to the starting position.


  • Make sure that your elbows are higher than your forearms.
  • Don’t lift your arms all the way up. Instead, stop when your elbows are at or slightly below shoulder level.
  • Focus on a smooth, controlled movement throughout the entire exercise – both during the lifting and the lowering phase.

4. Barbell Shrug

The Barbell Shrug is one of the best shoulder exercises to build bigger and stronger trap muscles at home. It is one of the simplest and easy trap exercises to perform.

Barbell Shrugs, also known as barbell shoulder shrugs, is a popular exercise for strengthening the Trapezius, upper back, shoulder muscles, neck, and upper arms. 

A study has shown that shrugging helps relieve shoulder and neck pain. It also helps to improve posture.

You can do the shrug using a dumbbell, Barbell, or Smith machine, but the barbell variation is the classic way to build massive traps.

Barbell Shrug

How To Do

  1. Stand with feet placed shoulder-width apart, knee slightly bent, and core stable.
  2. Grip the barbell with your hands facing downwards, in a pronated grip.
  3. Raise your shoulders without bending the elbows as far as possible, getting them closer to your ears.
  4. Hold the contraction and squeeze for a brief second.
  5. In a controlled and stable manner, lower the weight back down to the starting position.


  • Go as high as possible, but limit momentum and excessive jerking or bouncing of the weight.
  • Go full range. Move only the shoulders and keep the rest of the body steady.

5. Seated Barbell Overhead Press

This is one of the best shoulder exercises you can do at home or in the gym during your upper body workout. The shoulder Press remains the granddaddy of all shoulder exercises for building big, round shoulder muscles.

The seated barbell overhead press is a compound exercise that works the deltoids, triceps and trapezius. This exercise is similar to the overhead press, but it is performed while sitting on a bench to help stabilize the body.

The seated shoulder press is the favorite shoulder exercise among bodybuilders because it builds muscle fast and is a power move.

Seated Barbell Overhead Press.

How To Do

  1. Sit on an exercise bench and grab a bar with an overhand grip.
  2. Bring the bar over and in front of your head, under your chin, and just above your upper chest.
  3. Now Press the bar straight up overhead until your arms are fully extended but not locked out.
  4. Slowly lower the bar back to the starting position.


  • Perform a warm-up with 50% weight for 1-2 sets.
  • Brace your abs as you press, you shouldn’t be leaning back excessively.
  • Keep upper arms turned slightly inward to prevent elbows from “winging” out at your sides.

Barbell Shoulder Exercises For Gym Or Home Workout

Find the best exercises for building bigger and more muscular shoulders using barbells. You can do these exercises at the gym or home to build muscle and tone your shoulders.

Know More: Best Smith Machine Shoulder Exercises And Workout Of All Time

6. Barbell Push Press

The barbell push press is a compound exercise that targets the shoulders, triceps, and chest muscles. This exercise combines a dip and drive movement to generate momentum and help lift the barbell overhead.

This dynamic exercise is a game-changer for improving timing and power in overhead movements, Olympic lifting, and general performance training.

It helps build explosive power and strength in the shoulders and upper body. Compared to strict overhead presses, it allows for heavier loads to be lifted.

Barbell Push Press

How To Do

  1. Set up a squat rack so that the bar rests just above the front delts and unrack it. Alternatively, you can lift a bar to rest on the delts.
  2. Place your feet hip width apart and hands slightly wider than shoulder width apart, with elbows pointing forward.
  3. Your core, glutes, and quads should all be engaged.
  4. Dip into a quarter squat position by bending your knees and hips straight down.
  5. Explosively extend your ankles, knees, and hips, driving the barbell overhead.
  6. Lower the bar back to your shoulders, bending your legs to absorb the impact. Reset to the starting position for the next rep.


  • Warm up before your workout to prepare your shoulder, hip, and ankle mobility.
  • The initial push should come from your legs. Your arms should only take over once the bar has passed your head.
  • Use a weight that is challenging but allows you to perform the exercise with proper form.
  • Avoid standing too narrowly. A wider stance provides a more stable base for the explosive movement.

7. Landmine Press

If you want to add some freshness and variety to your workouts and give yourself a new challenge, try this landmine press.

The landmine exercises are extremely versatile and effective for building functional strength through all planes of motion and packing on some serious muscle mass.

I found this exercise when I was trying to get rid of persistent shoulder pain. It was not only easier on my joints but also helped me build muscle.

The exercise primarily targets the shoulders, chest, and triceps muscles, and also engages the core, back, and legs to provide stability throughout the movement.

Landmine Press

How To Do

  1. Place a barbell in a landmine holder or set it up in a corner. Then, add weight plates to the free end of the barbell.
  2. Assume a half kneeling position with the knee under your hip, toes tucked, and rib cage down.
  3. Press the barbell up straight in front of you until your arms are extended, avoiding hyperextension at the elbows.
  4. Hold the weight for a second and focus on contracting your chest muscles.
  5. Slowly lower the weight back towards your chest and then repeat for the recommended reps.


  • To secure the barbell, you can interlock your hands around the bar.
  • Lean your body forward slightly and engage your core muscles to help with stabilization.
  • Exhale on pushing movement, and inhale when returning to the starting position.

8. Behind-The-Neck Shoulder Press

The standard military press and the overhead dumbbell press hit more of the anterior head of the deltoid, which is often stimulated heavily, even during the bench press.

Behind the neck press, on the other hand, stimulates all three heads of the shoulder and recruits the triceps, traps, and rhomboids.

It is not recommended to perform these barbell shoulder exercises if you do not have adequate shoulder mobility.

Behind-The-Neck Shoulder Press

How To Do

  1. Sit on a bench with back support or stand with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Hold the barbell with an overhand grip, slightly wider than shoulder-width.
  3. Position the barbell behind your neck, resting on your trapezius muscles.
  4. Push the barbell overhead by fully extending your arms while breathing out.
  5. Hold the contraction for a second and lower the barbell back down to the starting position by inhaling.


  • Don’t bounce the bar off your neck. Perform the exercise in a slow and controlled manner.
  • Keep your head and neck neutral. Avoid pushing your head forward as you press.
  • Use a lighter weight to master the movement and reduce the risk of injury.
  • Don’t go too wide with your grip, as it can place unnecessary stress on your shoulders

9. Barbell Lying Rear Delt Row

The barbell lying rear delt row is an exercise that primarily targets the rear deltoids, upper back, and rhomboids. When done correctly, it can effectively target your shoulders and upper body.

Including the barbell lying in the rear delt row in your workout will help you work on all three parts of your shoulder: the front, back, and sides.

Rear Delt Row

How To Do

  1. Lie down on an incline bench with a barbell and hand extended out in front of you.
  2. Slowly pull the barbell until your elbows are just above your shoulders.
  3. Once you reach the final position, hold for a count and squeeze your muscles.
  4. Return to the starting position and repeat for as many reps and sets as desired.


  • Remember to exhale while you exert.
  • The form is an essential part of this exercise.
  • Don’t just swing your arms. Keep controlled motion throughout the exercise.
Related Post: Rear Delt Row: Muscle Worked, Benefits, Alternate

10. Smith Machine Shoulder Press

The Smith machine seated shoulder press is a favorite shoulder exercise for bodybuilders, as it builds muscle mass and strength (allows progressive loading)

The Smith machine-guided bar path assists in stabilizing the movement and enables us to lift heavy weights without worrying about balancing the weight.

It effectively trains the front part of the shoulder (anterior deltoid), but you will also use some lateral delts and traps.

Smith Machine Shoulder Press

How To Do

  1. Position the Smith machine bar at about shoulder height.
  2. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, and grip the bar with your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width.
  3. Unrack the bar and hold it at shoulder height with your palms facing forward.
  4. Press the bar upward until your arms are fully extended overhead. Keep your core engaged and avoid arching your back.
  5. Slowly lower the bar back to the starting position at chin level.
  6. For muscle growth, do 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps or 5-6 sets of 3–5 reps for strength.


  • Start with a proper warm-up to prepare your shoulder muscles and joints. Dynamic stretches and light weights are good starting points. Perform a warm-up with 50% weight for 1–2 sets.
  • Keep your head back slightly to avoid hitting your chin on the way up.
  • Keep your elbows at about a 45-degree angle to your torso. This hits your deltoids just right while protecting your shoulder joints.
  • Avoid locking your elbows at the movement’s top to protect your shoulders.
Know More: Landmine Exercises For Building Muscle And Strength

Shoulder Workout Routines

When you want a great pair of delts, you want to train your shoulders for strength and hypertrophy. The barbell is the best tool for strengthening the shoulders because you can load the most weight.

­For this goal, you should combine shoulder presses, rows, and raises.

What matters most is your deltoids’ total weekly training volume, or the total number of sets you perform each week.

1. Select Weekly Volume As per Your Fitness Level

  • Beginners: ~10 sets per week.
  • Intermediate: ~15 sets per week.
  • Advanced: ~20 sets per week.

To optimize your shoulder training, consider incorporating a mix of compound exercises (e.g., overhead presses) and isolation exercises (e.g., lateral raises) to target different aspects of shoulder development.

According to two scientific research papers, the optimal weekly training volume is between 9 and 15 sets at 70–80% 1RM. 

2. Select Sets and Reps As per You Goals

To get the most out of your shoulder workout, it’s important to choose the right sets and reps for each exercise. Here are some tips to help you optimize your barbell shoulder workout

Best Reps and Sets to Build Strength, Power, Hypertrophy and Endurance table of Mell Siff’s Supertraining

Load (% of 1RM)80-9045-5560-8040-60
Reps per set1-51-56-1215-60
Sets per exercise4-73-54-82-4
Rest between sets (mins)2-62-62-51-2
Duration (seconds per set)5-104-820-6080-150
Speed per rep (% of max)60-10090-10060-9060-80
Training sessions per week3-63-65-78-14

3. Beginner Shoulder Barbell Workout Plan

Seated Barbell Overhead Press48-12
Barbell Upright Row48-10
Barbell Shrug310-12

4. Shoulder Barbell Workout Plan For Hypertrophy

Landmine Shoulder Press48-12
Barbell Front Raise410-12
Barbell Rear Delt Row38-10
Barbell Upright Row312-15

5. Shoulder Workout Plan For Strength

ExerciseSets x RepsRest Between Sets
Barbell Overhead Press4 sets x 5 reps2-3 minutes
Barbell Push Press3 sets x 6 reps2-3 minutes
Barbell High Pull4 sets x 5 reps2-3 minutes
Seated Barbell Press3 sets x 8 reps2 minutes

Shoulder Muscles Anatomy

Before we start, let me give you a super quick shoulder muscles anatomy lesson. The deltoid is the main muscle in the shoulder. In fitness, “shoulder exercises” refers to resistance exercises that target the deltoid muscle.

It is a large, triangular-shaped muscle. Even though it is one muscle, due to its size and different muscle fibers, it is usually talked about in three parts:

Shoulder Anatomy

People Also Ask

How can I work out my shoulders at home?

Barbells are the best tool for developing your shoulders. You can keep barbells and plates at home without taking up too much space and use them for many exercises.

There are many great barbell shoulder exercises and workouts that you can do at home.

  • Military Press
  • Barbell Front Raise
  • Barbell Upright Row
  • Barbell Shrug
  • Seated Overhead Press

How can I train my shoulders without a gym?

There are many shoulder exercises you can do with bodyweight, barbells, and dumbbells to build strength at home. It is possible to develop your shoulders from the comfort of your own home. Below are the best shoulder exercises and workouts you can do at home.

How can I build my shoulders at home?

There are many bodyweight shoulder exercises that will, directly and indirectly, target your deltoid muscles. These exercises are great because they don’t require much equipment and can be done at home.

Dumbbells are a great way to develop your shoulders. They are versatile, and you can keep them at home without taking up too much space. You can do a lot of exercises with them. If you have dumbbells, you should try some of the dumbbell shoulder exercises at home.


You don’t need fancy gym equipment or a membership to work your shoulders effectively.

If you incorporate this barbell-only shoulder exercise into your regular home workout routine, you should start to see noticeable improvements within weeks.

Just remember to focus on optimal form, with a full range of motion, to ensure your shoulder muscles are worked and strengthened correctly.


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