The World Biggest Biceps: Top 5 Bodybuilders

World Biggest Biceps

Big, muscular arms have always been desirable in the world of bodybuilding. It’s great to have arms that are 22 inches long and make people look at you when you enter a room. The top old-school and current bodybuilders pushed the boundaries of bicep growth far past normal limits. Their massive guns set a trend that … Read more

Close Grip Lat Pulldown: Muscles Worked, How To Do

close grip lat pulldown

Close Grip Lat Pulldown, also known as narrow grip lat pulldown, is a compound exercise that primarily targets the muscles in your back, specifically the latissimus dorsi. It differs from a regular lat pulldown where the grip is wider. This variation is different from the standard lat pulldown, since you are using a wider grip. … Read more

Lat Pulldown: Muscles Worked, Variations, Benefits

Lat Pulldown

The Lat pulldown is a popular compound exercise that targets and strengthens the upper back muscles, particularly the latissimus dorsi. To some extent, the exercise also engages other muscles, including the biceps, rear delt, trapezius, and shoulders. The exercise is easy to learn and very effective at building back strength.  A lat pulldown is commonly … Read more

Pec Deck Rear Delt Machine Fly: How To Do, Muscles Worked

Pec Deck Rear Delt Machine Fly

The pec deck rear delt fly, also known as the rear delt machine fly or reverse pec deck fly, is a simple yet effective exercise that increases deltoid muscle definition and strength. The pec deck rear delt machine fly is an isolation exercise that targets your upper back muscles and shoulder muscles, particularly the rear deltoids, (backside of your shoulders), Traps … Read more

Elevated Pike Push-Up: Muscles Worked, How To Do

Elevated Pike Push Up

The Elevated Pike Push-Up is one of the greatest conditioning exercises for the outdoor athlete. It can be performed anywhere, and best of all, it requires no expensive gym equipment or annual fees. The Elevated Pike Push-Up is an advanced variation of the standard Pike push-up. Your feet are elevated on a bench, box, or … Read more

Best Push-Ups For Upper Chest To Build Size and Strength

Push Ups For Upper Chest

Push-ups are good for training the whole chest, but how can we focus on the upper part of the chest? After years of experience, I’ve discovered some of the best push-up variations and modifications that effectively target the upper chest. You should include this upper chest push-ups in your training regimen to strengthen and increase the thickness … Read more

10 Best Lower Back Cable Exercises (With Workout Routine)

Lower Back Cable Exercises

It’s important to have a strong lower back because it’s the foundation of your body’s good health and fitness. There are many ways to make your lower back stronger, like using bodyweight, dumbbells, and cables. Cable exercises are a simple and effective way to safely target and strengthen the lower back muscles.  Cable machines provide multiple … Read more

Dumbbell Swing: Muscles Worked and How To Do

Dumbbell Swing

The dumbbell swing is a full-body exercise that combines strength training and cardio fitness. It is a variation of the traditional kettlebell swing. Since dumbbells are more commonly available in gyms and homes, it is more accessible exercise than their kettlebell counterparts. It takes a strong hip hinge to lift a dumbbell from between the … Read more

10 Best Dumbbell Lower Back Exercises (With Workout Routines)

Lower Back Exercises With Dumbbell At Home or At Gym

A strong lower back is not just about alleviating aches and pains; it’s the cornerstone of good health and fitness. Why? Having a strong lower back provides enormous benefits. The lower back muscles support your spine, improve your posture, and allow you to lift heavy objects safely. And the good news is that dumbbells offer … Read more