20 Best Bodyweight Exercises And Workout Routine To Build Mass And Strength

Do you want to train at home and are looking for the best bodyweight exercises and workout routine? Look no further. In this ultimate guide, we will show you how to make your body stronger and look better by using only your bodyweight.

Say goodbye to expensive equipment and complicated workout routines – all you need is the power of your own body.

Our bodyweight workout beginner guide will teach you proven tips and techniques that will help you maximize muscle gain and lose fat.

Here, we’ll talk about the following topics:

Get ready to challenge your muscles, improve your endurance, and transform your physique.

Table of Contents

What are Bodyweight Exercises?

Bodyweight exercises are a form of strength training that utilizes one’s own body weight as resistance. This means that you don’t need any equipment to do these exercises. This is a suitable option for people who want to get fit but don’t have a gym nearby.

These exercises are highly effective and have been used for centuries, with their roots dating back to ancient physical training practices.

They target different muscle groups and are suitable for people of all fitness levels, so they are suitable for people of all ages and abilities.

Some common examples of bodyweight exercises include:

  • Push Ups: Target the chest, shoulders, and triceps.
  • Pull Ups or bodyweight rows: Target the back and biceps.
  • Squats: Target the quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes.
  • Lunges: Target the legs and glutes.
  • Planks: Target the core muscles, including the abs and lower back.
  • Burpees: Engage multiple muscle groups and provide cardiovascular benefits.
  • Dips: Target the triceps and chest.
  • Mountain climbers: Provide a dynamic workout for the core, shoulders, and legs.
  • Glute bridges: Activate the glute muscles and help improve hip stability.
  • Jumping jacks: Serve as a full-body warm-up exercise……. AND MANY MORE.

How To Do Bodyweight Workout At Home

According to a research review from 2016, incorporating strength training at least 2 days a week is considered optimal for muscle growth. If you’re just starting, aim for 2 or 3 days of full-body weight training, complemented by 2 days of cardio, and allow yourself 2 days of rest to recover.

As your strength improves and you become more experienced, consider adding a fourth weight training day and explore splitting your workouts between upper and lower body.

It’s still crucial to prioritize rest and recovery, so be sure to allocate at least 2 days per week for that purpose.

Fitness levelExercises
Beginner 2–3 days a week full-body strength training + 2 days cardio
Intermediate3–4 days a week split strength training + 2-3 days cardio
Advance4–5 days a week strength training + 2-3 days cardio

To structure a bodyweight workout to increase mass, strength and endurance, the number of reps and sets will vary based on your fitness level, weekly workout frequency, and strength training goals.

For strength gains, do 4 to 6 sets of 1 to 6 reps each exercise with a weight that is at least 85% of your one-repetition maximum (1RM) The fewer reps you perform, the closer to 100% of your 1RM you should strive for.

If your goal is hypertrophy (muscle growth), perform three sets of each exercise, using loads that are 70 to 85% of your 1RM for 8 to 12 reps.

When training for endurance, it is usually recommended to use higher reps (15 to 20 repetitions) and moderate loads, with a weight that is at least 50 to 70% of your 1RM.

Benefits Of Bodyweight Workout

Before we dive into the exercises themselves, let’s have a look at some of the benefits of bodyweight workout.

1. Strength And Muscle Development

When you do bodyweight exercises, you’re essentially lifting your own body weight. This forces your muscles to work harder, which can help you build strength and muscle mass.

Regular bodyweight workout regimens can enhance upper body strength and lower body muscle development, resulting in a stronger, more toned body.

2. Cost Effective

One of the greatest advantages of bodyweight exercises is that they allow you to do them anywhere, anytime, without the need for any equipment.

Since bodyweight exercises don’t require any equipment, they are a budget-friendly option for maintaining fitness.

Whether you’re at home, travelling, or outdoors, you can always rely on these exercises to maintain your strength and fitness.

3. Improved Joint Health

They’re a low-impact form of exercise, which is gentle on your joints. This makes them a good option for people of all ages and fitness levels, including people who have joint problems.

Strengthening the leg muscles can alleviate stress on the joints, reduce the risk of injuries, and promote better joint stability and overall joint health.

4. Increased Metabolic Rate

Many bodyweight exercises are compound movements, meaning they engage multiple muscle groups simultaneously.

According to a study, Bodyweight exercises stimulate the release of growth hormone and increase your metabolic rate, leading to greater calorie burning during and after your workout. This can support weight management and fat loss goals.

5. Increase Flexibility and Performance

Bodyweight exercises often involve a lot of motion, which helps improve flexibility and joint mobility.

When athletes and sports enthusiasts engage in regular practice of these movements, it has been shown to enhance their performance.

It improves power, speed, agility, and explosiveness, which further enhance performance in activities like running, jumping, cycling, and various sports.

6. Convenience And Versatility

Bodyweight exercises offer a variety of options and variations to target different leg muscles and accommodate different fitness levels.

It can be used in HIIT or circuit training workouts to make your workout more efficient in a shorter amount of time. A full lower body workout can be done by working multiple muscle groups at the same time.

7. Core Engagement

A vast majority of bodyweight exercises engage the core muscles to stabilize and to maintain proper form and balance.

Furthermore, strengthening your core muscles will also improve your stability and posture.

Bodyweight Exercises To Build Mass and Strength

There are many bodyweight exercises you can do at home to lose fat and build strength, improve your cardiovascular fitness, and increase your flexibility.

1. Push Ups

Push-ups can be performed, regardless of where you are and, best of all, they are completely free—no expensive equipment or annual gym fees required. There are different types of push-up variations to meet different needs.

The classic push-up has survived the test of time and is the single most efficient exercise to simultaneously strengthen the chest, arms, deltoidlower back, abs and glutes. 

Push-ups are one of the most basic but rewarding all-around exercises you will find, and everyone from teenagers to older adults can benefit from doing them regularly.

Different Push-Up For A Complete Workout.

Push Ups

How To Do

  1. Lay face down on the ground with your legs straight, and arms supporting your upper body.
  2. Keep your knees off the ground.
  3. Raise yourself off the ground, straightening your elbows and your arms.
  4. Now, lower your body under slow sustained motion, feeling the motion all the way down until your chest is very close to the ground.
  5. Raise until your elbows are locked, and pause for a moment at the top of the movement.


  • Keep your elbows close to your body.
  • For additional variations, you can do incline chest push-ups and decline push-ups.
Read More: Bodyweight Chest Exercises: Beginner To Advance

2. Inverted Row

The inverted row (bodyweight rows) creates a horizontal body position, making it easier to perform.

It works the back and shoulder muscles from a different angle and improves upper body strength.

Inverted Row
How To Do Inverted Row
  1. Adjust the height of the chair and bar so that it’s a little higher than arm’s length from the floor.
  2. Lie under the bar with your legs and body straight. Grasp the bar with an overhand grip that’s a little wider than shoulder width.
  3. Keeping your legs and body straight, exhale as you pull your chest up to the bar.
  4. Hold for a count of two and squeeze your back muscles.
  5. Breathe in as you lower your body until your arms and shoulders are fully extended. Repeat.

3. Pull-Up

The pull-up is an upper-body strength movement that targets your back and arms. They are often a challenge for beginners and even experienced athletes to perform. 

The pull-up increases the strength, thickness, and width of your back, specifically your lats. The lats are what influences back width and form the “V” in the upper back.

Pull-Ups Variations To complete bodyweight Workout

  • Standard Pull-Up: Classic upper body exercise.
  • Chin-Up: Palms face you, focusing on biceps.
  • Wide Grip Pull-Up: Hands wider than shoulder-width.
  • One arm Pull-Up: Doing pull up with a single hand.
  • Archer Pull-Up: Shift weight to one side mid-pull.
  • L-sit Pull-Up: Lift legs into an L shape.
  • Muscle-Up: Transition from pull-up to dip.
  • Typewriter Pull-Up: Move side-to-side at the top.
  • Towel Pull-Up: Grip towels instead of a bar.
Wide Grip Pull Up

How To Do Pull Ups

  1. Using an overhand grip, grab a pull-up bar with your hands positioned at shoulder-width apart.
  2. Hang from the bar with your arms fully extended and your chest high, while exaggerating the arch in your lower back.
  3. Pull yourself up by squeezing your shoulder blades together and contracting your lats until your chin passes the bar.
  4. Hold the contraction at the top for a second before slowly lowering yourself back to the starting position.


  • To reduce biceps involvement, use a thumbless grip.
  • Go full range of motion and keep form correct.
  • Avoid making sudden, uncontrolled movements.
Know More: 15 Best Bodyweight Back Exercises To Build Mass And Strength

4. Bodyweight Bicep Curl

The bodyweight bicep curl is a very effective bodyweight isolation exercise for building muscle and strength. Unlike traditional bicep curls that use dumbbells or barbells, this exercise relies solely on your body weight as resistance.

Sometimes we may not have access to equipment, but that is not an issue with the bicep curl, as you only need your arms and legs.

Since both arms work independently, bodyweight bicep curls help identify and address any muscular imbalances.

How To Do Bodyweight Bicep Curl

  1. Begin by sitting on a chair as close to the edge as possible.
  2. Then, place your right hand under your left thigh at the crease between your hamstrings and calves.
  3. Slowly curl your right up as high as you can. Exhale during this portion of the exercise.
  4. Hold for a couple of seconds. Then, slowly lower your leg back down, so your foot is just above the ground. Inhale during this portion of the exercise.
  5. Repeat for the desired number of reps. Repeat the exercise with your left arm.


  • Try to get as much range of motion as possible.
  • You can perform a variation of the bicep leg curl lying down.

5. Pike Push Up

Pike push-ups, also known as shoulder push-ups, are a variation of the push-up that increases strength and stability in the shoulders. 

Performing the exercise in a more upright position will target the shoulders more than the chest.

Pike Push Up

How To Do

  1. Start in a standard push-up position with your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart and elbows completely locked out.
  2. Lift the hips up and back until your body forms an inverted V shape. Keep arms and legs as straight as possible.
  3. Slowly lower the top of your head towards the ground. Once your head is about to make contact with the ground, pause for a second.
  4. Then slowly push back until your arms are straight, and you’re in the inverted V position.
Read More: 21 Bodyweight Shoulder Exercises: Beginner To Advance

6. Bench Dip

If you are looking for the best exercise to build stronger arms? Bench dips may be your answer.

Bench dips are a simple exercise that can be done almost anywhere and have many variations to match your fitness level. Use it as part of a strength workout for your upper body.

The tricep bench dip is a bodyweight triceps exercise that you can also overload by placing weight plates over the legs, making it a useful exercise for individuals of varying strengths and experience levels.

When performed with strict form, the bench dip is an effective exercise to build your triceps (the back part of your arms), even if using bodyweight alone. It will also target the shoulders (particularly the anterior delt heads), chest (pectorals), and serratus anterior.

Bench Dip

How To Do

  1. Place your hands on the side of a flat bench so that your body is perpendicular to the bench when you place your feet out in front of you.
  2. Only your heels should be on the floor and your legs should be straight. keep your knees and hips bent.
  3. Your arms should be fully extended with just your palms on the bench.
  4. Bend your elbows to lower your body down until your elbows reach 90 degrees.
  5. Now extend your arms to lift your body back to the starting position, flexing your triceps hard at the top.

7. Bodyweight Squat

The Bodyweight squat is a type of resistance training that works the lower body, specially the quadricepshamstrings, and glutes. It is a compound exercise, which means that it works multiple muscle groups at the same time.

Bodyweight squats are a great exercise for beginners and experienced exercisers alike. They are a simple, effective way to work your legs and glutes.

Bodyweight Squat Variations To Build Leg

  1. Standard Bodyweight Squat: Classic squat position.
  2. Sumo Squat: Wide stance with toes pointed out.
  3. Narrow Stance Squat: Feet close together.
  4. Bulgarian Split Squat: One leg elevated behind.
  5. Pistol Squat: Single-leg squat, other leg extended.
  6. Jump Squat: Explosive jump at the top of the squat.
  7. Paused Squat: Hold the squat position briefly.
  8. Hindu Squat: Heels elevated, knees over toes.
  9. Cossack Squat: Side-to-side squatting motion.
  10. Curtsy Squat: Cross one leg behind the other.
Bodyweight Squat

How To Do Bodyweight Squat

  1. Stand with your feet hip-width apart, with your toes pointing forward.
  2. Keep your chest up, shoulders back, and engage your core.
  3. Slowly lower your body by bending your knees, as if you were sitting back into a chair.
  4. Make sure to keep your back straight and your knees aligned with your toes.
  5. Lower your body as far as you can without letting your heels come off the ground or your knees to go over your toes.
  6. Push through your heels to return to the starting position.
  7. Repeat the movement for the desired number of repetitions.
Know More: Bodyweight Leg Exercises For Mass, Strength And Power

8. Bodyweight Standing Calf Raise

Standing calf raises (also known as heel raises) is a classic move, even bodyweight calf raise exercises are an effective way of strengthening your calves because the calf muscles take on so much of your bodyweight. 

The standing calf raise is a really easy exercise to do. They only use bodyweight, so they’re a really convenient calves exercise that you can do that home, or pretty much anywhere.

Bodyweight calf exercises are handy to exercise your calves without having to set foot in the gym.

Bodyweight Standing Calf Raise

How To Do Bodyweight Standing Calf Raise

  1. Stand up straight with your feet facing forward and placed hip-width apart.
  2. Keep a slight bend in your knee and hold your hands by your side
  3. Raise your heels by pressing the balls of your feet into the ground.
  4. You should raise your body until you are on your toes.
  5. Hold this position and then slowly lower your heels back to the ground.


  • Pause and squeeze for a count of 1-2 at the top of the movement for added intensity.
  • Keep the balls of your feet on the edge of the block/step. If you allow the balls of your feet to come in more, the exercise becomes easier.

9. Hip Bridge

Strong glutes and hip muscles are essential for various athletic activities, including running, jumping, and change of direction movements

A hip bridge, also known as a glute bridge, is a good starter move for glutes, hip, hamstring, and low back muscles.

Research shows high gluteal muscle activity during a single-leg bridge compared to other gluteal strengthening exercises.

To make bodyweight leg workouts more interesting and challenging, try experimenting with:

  • Stability Ball Hip Bridge
  • Weighted Hip Bridge
  • Marching Hip Bridge

How To Do

  1. Lie face up on the floor, with your knees bent and feet flat on the ground.
  2. Keep your arms at your side with your palms down.
  3. Lift your hips off the ground until your knees, hips, and shoulders form a straight line.
  4. Squeeze those glutes hard and keep your abs drawn in, so you don’t overextend your back during the exercise.
  5. Hold your bridged position for a couple of seconds before easing back down.


  • Do not push with your arms.
  • Don’t overextend your back during the exercises, this may cause lower back pain.
  • To make the Hip bridge exercise more difficult, hold a weight plate on your lap.

10. Good Morning

The good-morning exercise is one of the best bodyweight hamstring exercises for muscle mass and strength. It is also an effective way to train the lower back muscles.

It is known as a good morning because of the movement in the erector spinae which resembles the rise out of the bed to stretch.

You will put your glutes and hamstrings through a large range of motion, which will provide better muscle-building potential while also increasing your posterior strength.

How To Do

  1. Stand holding a stick (or Weight) on the back of your shoulders, grasping the stick at each side. Can also perform the exercise as in the bodyweight version.
  2. Keeping your knees slightly flexed and your back and neck neutral, inhale as you flex your hips to lower your torso until it is close to or fully horizontal.
  3. Exhale as you raise your torso back up to the starting position by extending your hips.
  4. Complete the desired number of repetitions.


  • Keep your back and neck neutral throughout the exercise.
  • It is recommended that the lifter avoid rounding (flexing) or rotation (twisting) at any point during the movement.
  • Keep the movement slow, the form strict, and the weight light.

11. Plank

The front plank is one of the most popular core exercises for men. It is a brilliant bodyweight exercise that helps you to develop the strength and stability of your core. Your muscles are exercised isometrically.

The exercise is more of a strength-building exercise than a cardio exercise. Engaging a range of muscles can also help to boost your calorie burn.

Variations of Plank for Beginners:

  1. Knee Plank
  2. High Plank on Knees
  3. Side Plank on Knees

Advanced Variations of Plank

  1. Side Plank with Leg Lift
  2. Plank Jacks
  3. Spiderman Plank
  4. One-Legged Plank

How To Do It

  1. Start to get in a push up position, but bend your elbows and rest your weight on your forearms instead of on your hands.
  2. Your body should form a straight line from your shoulders to your ankles.
  3. Brace your core by contracting your abs as if you were about to be punched in the gut.
  4. Hold this position as directed.


  • Do not let your lower back sag or your butt rise. Ensure your body is straight and rigid.
  • Keep your glutes and core muscles contracted.
  • Your neck should be in line with your body, not tilted up, which could strain the neck.

12. Side Plank

The side plank is one of the best core exercises for strengthening the oblique, abs and glute muscles.

You will hold your body on your side in a straight position, supported only by one arm and the side of one foot.

If you’re a beginner to planking, you should master the basic forearm plank before moving on to the side plank variation.

Side Plank

How To Do

  1. Get in a side plank position by lying on your right side on the floor, with your left foot resting on top of the inner side of your right foot.
  2. Raise your body by placing your right forearm flat on the floor so that it’s perpendicular to your torso.
  3. Lift your torso until your right upper arm is straight underneath you, with your elbow bent 90 degrees and your forearm flat on the floor.
  4. In this position, only your right forearm and the outer side of your right foot are contacting the floor and your body forms a diagonal line that is at about a 20-degree angle to the floor.
  5. Keep your abs pulled in tight and hold this position for as long as you can, and then repeat on the left side.


  • Keep your legs and body straight.
  • Avoid letting your hips sag during the exercise
  • Squeeze your abs and glutes throughout the movement for stability.

13. Bicycle Crunch

The bicycle crunch works out your abs, rectus femoris, obliques, and Intercostal.

To make the exercise easier, you can make the angle between your knees smaller, and to make the exercise harder, you can make the angle between your legs larger.

Bicycle Crunch

How To Do It

  1. Lie on the floor with your legs straight and low back are flat on the floor.
  2. Place your hands behind your head and raise your feet and upper back a little off the floor.
  3. Slowly start raising your knees at about a 45-degree angle.
  4. Go through a bicycle pedalling motion with your legs as you alternately touch your elbows to the opposite knees, twisting back and forth.


  • Keep your neck neutral and your lower back pressed against the floor.
  • Make sure that you don’t pull your neck with your hands, else you can get a neck strain.
Know More: 18 Abs Exercises You Can Do At Home Without Equipment

14. Lying Straight Leg Raise

Lying leg raises are touted as killer abs exercises, but your hip flexors actually reap some major benefits. So don’t be surprised if your hips feel a bit of the burn during this one.

It mainly works on the lower part of your abs, making it stronger and more toned. It also strengthens the muscles of the upper thigh, the quadriceps, without placing any stress on the knee joint.

You don’t need anything special to do a straight leg raise. All you need is a place where you can lie on your back.

How To Do

  1. Lie flat on your back on a mat or the floor with your legs extended and your arms by your sides.
  2. Keep your legs straight and together.
  3. Engage your core muscles and lift both legs upward towards the ceiling.
  4. Hold your legs a few inches off the floor.
  5. Continue lifting until your legs are perpendicular to the ground or until you feel tension in your abs.
  6. Slowly lower your legs back down to the starting position.
  7. Repeat for the desired number of repetitions.


  • Keep your lower back pressed against the bench or mat.
  • Control the upward and downward motion of your legs.

Bodyweight Exercises To Improve Endurance

15. Cross-Body Mountain Climber

The cross-body mountain climber is a dynamic exercise that targets the entire core, including the abs, obliques, and hip flexors.

You can improve your balance, agility, coordination, strength, flexibility, and blood circulation with the cross-body mountain climber because it engages multiple muscle groups at once.

To increase the intensity, perform the exercise at a faster pace or bring your knees in toward your elbows with a slight hop.

How To Do 

  1. Start in a high plank position with your hands directly beneath your shoulders.
  2. Your body should form a straight line from your shoulders to your ankles.
  3. Squeeze your abs, lift one foot off the floor and bring your left knee towards your right elbow.
  4. Return to the starting position and immediately bring your right knee toward your left elbow, again crossing your body diagonally.
  5. Continue alternating the movement, bringing each knee toward the opposite elbow in a controlled and rhythmic manner.


  • Don’t round your lower back.
  • Don’t lift your hips too high. Your body should form a straight line from your shoulders to your ankles.
  • Maintain a steady and controlled pace, focusing on proper form rather than speed.

16. Jumping Rope

Jumping rope utilizes muscles that the seated calf raises miss. It builds endurance for the calf muscles, as well as strength and coordination.

Furthermore, jumping rope provides endless variations to keep the exercise challenging.

To jump rope, the individual must first make sure that the rope is the appropriate length for their height.

How To Do

  1. Hold the rope while keeping your hands at hip level.
  2. The knees must remain slightly bent, to land softly and to keep it from locking.
  3. Rotate your wrists to swing the rope and jump.
  4. The rope is flicked over the head and passed under the feet by pushing the toes into a quick but gentle hop.
  5. Jump with both feet at the same time, one foot at a time, alternating between feet, etc.
  6. Repeat until the set is complete.


  • Keep the upper body straight, knees slightly bent, and jump on the balls of your feet.
  • Engage your abs, loosen your shoulders and turn the rope only with your wrists, not the entire arms.
  • For a low-impact exercise, focus on doing faster and smaller jumps.

17. Jumping Jacks

Jumping jacks are an efficient total-body workout that you can do almost anywhere. This exercise is part of what’s called plyometrics, or jump training. Jumping jacks also involve your abdominal and shoulder muscles.

Jumping Jacks are a great full body exercise that enhances aerobic fitness, strengthens the body, and promotes relaxation. This workout also strengthens your muscles, boosts your metabolism, and aids in shedding love handles and sculpting your obliques.

How To Do

  • Stand straight with your feet together and hands by your sides.
  • Jump up, spread your feet and bring both hands together above your head.
  • Jump again and return to the starting position.
  • Repeat until the set is complete.
  • So, this is the last exercise, guys. Push it as hard as you can.
  • Keep the knees slightly bent and land softly on the balls of your feet.


  • Start with a comfortable pace and gradually increase the speed.
  • Land softly on the balls of your feet, and bend your knees slightly to absorb the impact.

18. High Knees

High knees is an excellent bodyweight full-body movement that increases your heart rate, warms the muscles in your lower and upper body. It is suitable for people of all fitness levels because all you need to do is lift your body weight to burn love handles.

It engages your core, strengthens all the muscles in your legs, improves momentum, coordination, and flexibility.

Furthermore, it is possible to do it anywhere without any equipment, and it will fit into your busy schedule.

How To Do

  1. Stand with your feet hip-distance apart and start to jog in place.
  2. As you do so, bring up one knee towards your chest, then switch legs when the other knee comes up.
  3. With each high knee, trying to bring the knee up as high as possible while keeping a steady rhythm and maintaining your balance.

19. Inchworm

The Inchworm is a full-body exercise that increases strength and flexibility.

Your body weight is the only gym equipment you need to perform this low-impact exercise, which is highly effective.

Inspired by the rhythmic movements of inchworms, this move covers all the bases: core, arms, chest, and upper back.

How To Do It

  1. Stand tall, your feet hip-distance apart. Hinge forward at your hips and place your palms on the mat. You can bend your knees if needed to get your palms flat on the floor.
  2. Walk your hands forward so that you’re in high plank. your body should form a straight line from your shoulders to your ankles. Brace your core by contracting your abs.
  3. Walk your hands back in toward your feet, keeping your legs as straight as possible.
  4. Roll back up to a standing position.


  • Try to avoid your torso from swaying from side to side during the exercise.
  • Keep your legs straight, don’t let your hips sag, and maintain a neutral spine.

20. Burpees

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your arms at your sides.

Lower your body down into a squat, then place your hands on the ground and jump your feet back into a plank position.

Do a push-up, then jump your feet back up to your hands. Stand up and jump with your arms above your head.


How To Create Your Bodyweight Workout Routine

To design your bodyweight workout program involves several key factors to consider, including exercise selection, volume, frequency, and progression. 

Here are some tips for structuring an effective bodyweight workout plan:

1. Exercise Selection

Choose a variety of exercises that target different parts of the muscles, such as the chest, back, shoulder, arms, and leg muscles.

2. Volume

The volume of your workout program refers to the number of sets, reps, and exercises performed in each workout. 

A good starting point is to perform 3–4 sets of each exercise for 8–12 reps. Increase the volume gradually over time to promote muscle growth and adaptation.

3. Frequency

How often you perform leg workouts depends on your fitness level and goals.

  • For beginners, 3-4 workouts per week are recommended,
  • For intermediate levels, it is recommended to do 4-5 workouts per week.
  • While advanced lifters may benefit from 5-6 Bodyweight workouts per week.

4. Progression

Progression refers to gradually increasing the weight, reps, or sets over time to promote muscle growth and adaptation.

This can be achieved by increasing the weight lifted, increasing the number of reps performed, or decreasing rest time between sets.

5. Be Flexible

Life happens, and unexpected events may disrupt your plan. Be flexible and adaptable. If you miss a workout, don’t get discouraged; just resume your plan when you can.

Consistency is essential, but it’s okay to make adjustments as long as you stay on track with your goals.

6. Recovery

Adequate rest and recovery are important for muscle growth and injury prevention. Make sure to allow for at least one day of rest between workouts, and prioritize sleep, nutrition, and hydration to support recovery.

12 Week Bodyweight Workout Program

Bodyweight Workout Week 1-4: Laying the Foundation

You are welcome to the first phase of your 12-week bodyweight workout routine. These initial weeks are all about building a solid foundation for your fitness journey.

Whether you’re a beginner or have some prior experience, focusing on fundamental exercises and proper form is crucial to ensure you progress safely and effectively.

Let’s dive into what Week 1-4 of your bodyweight training will look like:

Week 1

Day 1Warm-up360 sec
Incline Push-ups48-10
Knee Plank330 sec
Day 2Warm-up360 sec
Lunges (each leg)38-10
Bicycle Crunches (each side)312-15
Day 3Rest day or light cardio
Day 4Warm-up320 sec
Close Grip Push-ups48-10
Glute Bridges312-15
Russian Twists315-20
Day 5Warm-up 340 sec
Shoulder Tap Push Up38-10
Pull Ups36-8
Side Plank (each side)320 sec
Day 6Rest day or light cardio
Day 7Rest day

Week 2

Day 1Warm-up330 sec
Inverted Rows48-10
Bulgarian Split Squats (each leg)310-12
Mountain Climbers330 sec
Day 2Warm-up330 sec
Tricep Dips38-10
Bodyweight Bicep Curl38-10
Leg Raises312-15
Day 3Rest day or light cardio
Day 4Warm-up330 sec
Calf Raises315-20
Plank320 sec
Day 5Warm-up330 sec
Pull Up48-10
Reverse Crunches315-20
Day 6Rest day or light cardio
Day 7Rest day

Week 3

Day 1Warm-up320 sec
Decline Push-ups46-8
Squats 312-15
Bicycle Crunches320-25
Day 2Warm-up,330 sec
Diamond Push-ups46-8
Incline Push Up38-10
Glute Bridges310-12
Day 3Rest day or light cardio
Day 4Warm-up320 sec
Pull Up38-10
Lunges 312-15
Russian Twists325-30
Day 5Warm-up330 sec
Leg Raise38-10
Pike Push up38-10
Side Plank315-20 sec
Day 6Rest day or light cardio
Day 7Rest day

Week 4

Day 1Warm-up320 sec
Plank 330 sec
Day 2Warm-up320 sec
Leg Raises310-12
Day 3Rest day or light cardio
Day 4Warm-up320 sec
Decline Push-ups38-10
Box Jumps38-10
Russian Twists330-35
Day 5Warm-up330 sec
Pull up48-10
Burpee320 sec
Plank 320-30 sec
Day 6Rest day or light cardio
Day 7Rest day

Bodyweight Workout Week 5-8: Progression and Intensity

Now, it’s time to make your fitness journey more challenging by doing harder exercises and increasing bodyweight workout intensity.

During this phase, you’ll notice a shift towards more bodyweight compound exercises and higher sets and reps, aimed at building strength, endurance, and muscle definition.

The workouts will include a variety of bodyweight exercises, plyometrics, and isometric holds to keep your muscles guessing and ensure continuous progress.

Day 1Warm-up 330 sec
Decline Push Up48-10
Day 2Warm-up330 sec
Pull Up410-12
Inverted Row38-10
Bodyweight Curl48-10
Day 3Rest day or light cardio
Day 4Warm-up420 sec
Pike Push Up48-10
Shoulder Tap48-10
Side Plank 330-40 sec
Day 5Warm-up430 sec
Hip Bridge415-20 sec
Calf Raise412-15
Leg Raise38-10
Day 6Rest day or light cardio
Day 7Rest day

Week 9-12: Advanced Bodyweight Training

During this phase, we’ll continue to challenge your strength, coordination, and balance with even more complex bodyweight exercises.

Advanced exercises like weighted push-ups, pistol squats, and weighted pull ups will take centre stage as we aim to enhance your athleticism and overall performance.

The bodyweight workout plan for weeks 9 to 12 will combine high-intensity workouts, isometric holds, and explosive plyometric movements. This combination will keep your muscles engaged and your heart pumping, making for an incredibly effective and well-rounded training experience.

Day 1Warm-up430 sec
Weighted Push Up48-10
Close Grip Push Up48-10
Chest Dip46-8
Clapping Push up36-8
Day 2Warm-up430 sec
L- Pull Up48-10
Chin up46-8
Day 3Rest day or light cardio
Day 4Warm-up46-8
Pike Ups412-15
Plank To Push-Up46-8
Crab Walk46-8
Archer Pull-ups46-8
Day 5Warm-up420 sec
Hanging Leg Raise48-10
Calf Raise412-15
Plank430-40 sec
Day 6Rest day or light cardio
Day 7Rest day

Progression Of Bodyweight Exercises

It’s important to add progression and variations to your bodyweight workouts to keep challenging your muscles and making progress.

1. Increase Reps and Sets

As you get stronger, gradually increase the number of reps and sets you perform for each exercise. This will help you build endurance and muscular endurance.

2. Add Weight

Once bodyweight exercises become easy, you can add weight to increase the resistance. You can use a weighted vest, dumbbells, or resistance bands to make the exercises more challenging.

3. Modify the Exercise

There are many ways to modify bodyweight exercises to make them more difficult. For example, you can perform one-legged squats instead of regular squats, or decline push-ups instead of regular push-ups.

These modifications engage more muscles and increase the intensity of the exercises.

4. Try Advanced Variations

Once you’ve mastered the basic bodyweight exercises, you can progress to more advanced variations. For example, you can try handstand push-ups, pistol squats, or muscle-ups. These exercises require more strength, balance, and coordination.


Can I do bodyweight exercises if I’m overweight or obese?

Yes, you can do bodyweight exercises if you’re overweight or obese. However, it’s important to start with a beginner’s routine and gradually increase the intensity as you get stronger. You may also want to modify the exercises to make them easier.

How often should I do bodyweight workouts?

Generally, it is recommended to do bodyweight exercises 3-4 times per week. If you’re new to doing bodyweight exercises, you might want to do them 2-3 times a week.

Can you build muscle mass with bodyweight exercises?

Yes, you can build muscle mass with bodyweight exercises. To build muscle mass, focus on continuously challenging your muscles by:

  • Increasing sets and reps.
  • Decreasing your rest periods.
  • Perform more challenging variations.
  • Increasing your time under tension (by going slower).

Bodyweight exercises are a great way to build strength and muscle, but they are not as effective as weight training for building muscle mass. This is because weight training allows you to lift heavier weights, which puts more stress on your muscles and helps them grow.

Is bodyweight training effective for weight loss?

Yes, bodyweight workout is an effective way to lose weight. This forces your muscles to work harder, which can help you burn calories and lose weight.

In addition, bodyweight training can help you improve your metabolism, which is the rate at which your body burns calories at rest.

A healthy diet is essential for weight loss. Make sure to eat plenty of protein, complex carbohydrates, and healthy fats.

Know Your Calories Requirement To Lose Weight

What are the big 5 bodyweight workout?

  1. Push-Ups
  2. Pull-Ups
  3. Squats
  4. Dips
  5. Planks

How long should I do bodyweight?

The duration of a bodyweight workout may vary depending on your fitness level, goals, and routine. Here are some general guidelines for how long to do bodyweight exercises:

Fitness LevelDuration per WorkoutFrequency per WeekIntensityRest Periods
Beginner20 – 30 minutes2 – 3 timesLower60 sec
Intermediate30 – 45 minutes3 – 4 timesModerate45 sec
Advanced45 – 60 minutes4 – 6 timesHigh30-40 sec

Should beginners start with bodyweight?

Yes, beginners should start with bodyweight exercises. Bodyweight exercises are a great way to build strength and muscle without the need for any equipment. They are also a low-impact form of exercise, which means that they are gentle on your joints. There are many reasons why beginners need to do bodyweight exercises.

  • They are easy to learn
  • They are effective
  • Versatile
  • They are convenient
  • Cost Effective

What is a good bodyweight workout schedule?

Bodyweight workout schedules should provide enough exercise to make progress, while also providing enough time for rest and recovery.

3-4 Workout Days

Aim to have 3 to 4 days dedicated to bodyweight workouts. This frequency allows for enough training stimulus while providing adequate recovery time.

Full-Body Workouts

For beginners and those looking for overall fitness, full-body workouts on each training day can be effective. This approach ensures all major muscle groups are targeted in each session.

Split Routine

For intermediate and advanced individuals, a split routine can be beneficial. Divide your workouts into upper body, lower body, and core-focused days.

For example, you can do upper body exercises on Monday, lower body on Wednesday, and core on Friday.

Do bodyweight exercises burn more fat than weights?

Body weight exercises burn more fat than weights, but it depends on a few things, like how hard the workout is, and what kind of exercise they do.

In general, bodyweight exercises are as effective as weight training for burning fat. However, weight training may be more effective for building muscle mass, which can also help to burn fat.

Which bodyweight exercises burn the most fat?

Best bodyweight exercises that burn more fat.

  • Push ups
  • Burpees,
  • mountain climbers,
  • Jump Squat
  • Jumping lunges
  • High knees
  • Box Jumps
  • Bicycle Crunches
  • Russian Twists
  • Jumping Jack


Bodyweight exercises are a great way to get in shape without the need for any equipment. They are a low-impact form of exercise, which means that they are gentle on your joints.

Bodyweight exercises are a great way to build strength, muscle, and endurance. They are a convenient way to workout, as you can do them anywhere.

It is important to vary your workouts to keep them challenging and interesting. You can do this by changing the exercises you do, the order you do them in, or the intensity of your workouts.


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